Chamber Amend
Phase5: Case of Filing for Insolvenzy abandoned due to lack of assets
On April 19th, 2000, the Case of Filing for Insolvenzy Phase 5 Nr. 61 IN 18/00
has been abandoned by the Amtsgericht Bad Homburg due to lack of assets.
This means chamber Amend (which was responsible for preliminary insolvency handling)
is no longer the contact for potential claims. Potential claims have to be taken to
the former owners Wolf Dietrich and Gerald Karda, Phase5 digital products, In der
Aue 27, D-61140 Oberursel, Germany.
Note of the editors: Sadly we did not get the opportunity to contact either Wolf
Dietrich nor Gerald Karda directly; we wanted to ask them if they see any hope for
users who did send in devices to Phase5 for repair. If somebody else is able to make
contact, we would welcome an official statement since we think users want this to
be clarified.
(Translation: mb)
[News message: 27. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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