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Andreas Hippauf by e-mail

Light Force News
Andreas Hippauf writes:
We have founded a programmer team named "strange worlds" (name resulting from our intent to create whole virtual worlds on the Amiga). Our first project "Newtron" became one step more professional by it. With the name, two new members joined the team:
Costel Mincea will be our graphician, responsibler for intro and animations. Oliver Schuler should already be known to many for his Amiga port of glTron. He will support us for exsample with 3D calculating functions for normal vectors (needed for light effects and textures).

Please be informed that the project Newtron now has a new name: As finished game it will be named "Light Force", and probably be released on CD.

Since the namechange, the old internet site is no longer available. Informations about Light Force has been completely integrated into our LA-Workbench, and is available under the title link. There is also a new demo version available! The demo now has 1 or 2 player mode optionally, various perspectives, collision control, improved controlling options (especially mouse control!), sadly still rather stupid opponents, score is already counted etc! Give it a try!

With regret we have to say that so far very little e-mail has been recieved for Newtron! We hope that feedback will improve with the demo version. As long as less than 200 Amiga users are really interested in the game, it is not sure if we will really finish the game. In these insecure times, user feedback is the most important part in such a project! The more people tell us what they liked (or what they didn't like), what they want in it, the more we are motivated to implement all these ideas and continue! (ps)

[News message: 23. Nov. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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