Heise [Newsticker]
Heise: Hackermeeting hacked?
From the Heise article about the Chaos Communication Camp by the CCC:
The ports of the camp systems connected to the network have been scanned far and wide
since Friday evening, to find the weak spot in the "enemy" system. The organisers had
warned all "green" users to do Telnet sessions with encryption only, to make life not
too easy for the password sniffers. But about 6:30 PM, the catastrophy happened: the
systems suddenly denied any exchange of data with each other or internet. The Network
Operation Center (NOC) at the campsite surrendered and issued a "Red Alert". Even in
the early morning of Saturday, the NOC was still offline.
Further links (all German only):
Heise: Wild guessing
about network failure in the CCC Camp
Chaos Computer Club
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Update HydraBBS Version 1.08
This update fixes a broken HBBS_SaveFile() function in the HBBSCommon.library, version
1.07. If you use HydraBBS and have not yet registered, please do so, because the author
is unwilling to continue development without registrations.
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Amiga Web Directory [News]
Aqua - new game under development by Emerald Imaging
Aqua is an adventure game being developed by Emerald Imaging. Details about
the game will not be released before the financial side is cleared. Forums
will be implemented on the website.
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Kai Hölzel by eMail
Small report from the GuruMeditation with more pictures
Kai Hölzel writes:
With this we want to say thank you to all those who supported us. A small summary
of the event can be found at the title link.
The report is German.
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Michael Pfeiffer by eMail
WaveTracer DS Mark V now available
Michael Pfeiffer writes:
WaveTracer DS Mark V is now available on CD-ROM! Please order from our distributor
Nightshift .
The CD-ROM with the WaveTracer software packet of course contains special versions
for 68020 and 68040 CPUs as well as a PPC version (WarpOS)!
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Matthias Henze by eMail
First public alpha version of stormamiga.lib V45
Matthias Henze writes:
After a long time, we have something new again. stormamiga.lib is now available
as first public alpha version of V45.
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Andreas Falkenhahn by eMail
AHelp Version 1.3
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
A new version of AHelp has been released. Version 1.3 is from now on available
from the Airsoft Softwair homepage, and soon from Aminet, too. The version offers
several improvements and bugfixes. Additionally, French and Spain catalogs are
available. Download:
AHelp1_3.lha ,
readme: AHelp1_3.readme .
(ps )
[News message: 08. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Thomas Claus by eMail
First pictures from GuruMeditation in Göda
First pictures from GuruMeditation in Göda
(ps )
[News message: 07. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Torsten Dudai
New Cartoon: The ultimate trading simulation
more ...
(td ) (Translation: td )
[News message: 07. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Paul Nolan
Photogenics 4.1 Release 57 available
You can download the update from the download page (title link). To install the
update: unpack the archive; Photogenics 4.x must be running; run the update from
the Update57 directory, reboot.
(ps )
[News message: 07. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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aMozillaX - Status Report
aMozillaX - Status Report.
(ps )
[News message: 07. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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CyberGraphX: Graphic card diagram
CGFX has commited a survey ,
which gfx boards are used. Response has been very good, you can look at the
result either as text or
graphic . Those who have not
yet filled out the form can of course still do so.
(ps )
[News message: 07. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Martina Jacobs by eMail
Provider-Info: Biggest search engine worldwide goes online
From the article by Provider-Info:
New FAST search index now contains over 200 million web pages, the whole web in one
year. The unique parallel architecture based on the Dell servers offers the fastest,
latest and most relevant search results.
Fast Search & Transfertm (FASTtm - developer of the leading
search engine technology for the internet - presented FAST Searchtm , The
Worlds Biggest Search Enginetm , to be found at
www.alltheweb.com . FAST is the first company
to develop a search engine with the final goal "All The Web, All The Time"tm .
FAST Search is the result of over a decade of research in the area of optimizing search
algorithms and their architectures, a project originally initiated by the Norsk Institute
for Technology, Trondheim.
Full article see title link.
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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AmigaNG mentioned in "The Star Online", Malaysia: Guess who's back?
AmigaNG mentioned in "The Star Online", Malaysia: Guess who's back?
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Latest info about Camouflage project
Camouflage AB development is discontinued.
Camouflage AB will be completely replaced by CamX.
Camouflage AB users can upgrade to CamX for free.
CamX will be much more intuitive, flexible, stable and future-oriented.
CamX is developed system-independent.
So, CamX can be used on any multitasking-system (Amiga68k, AmigaNG, Linux, BeOS, QNX).
Free Amiga68k/Bete-versions will be available on the homepage first.
More details at the link above.
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Kai Hölzel by eMail
Don't forget: August 7th-8th, Guru Meditation in Göda near Bautzen, Germany
The Amiga party in eastern Germany on August 7th-8th in Göda
Start: Saturday, 10:00 AM, End: Sunday about 2:00 PM
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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The big Chaos Communication Camp is underway
For this huge event, CCC has put a dedicated website online, which you can find
at www.camp.ccc.de (link above). There, you can get in-depth information about the camp.
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Marc Albrecht by eMail
A.C.T.: Samplitude Special and amiga-news.de - lottery!
Marc Albrecht writes:
I offer the following SPECIAL until August 11th, 1999, for all who state "Amiga-News-Aktion"
as subject of an ordering eMail:
Samplitude Opus FULL VERSION for 127,82 Euro (instead of 204,01 Euro) including p&p
within Europe
Samplitude Opus UPDATE from LITE or MS to FULL VERSION: 102,26 Euro (instead of 152,88 Euro)
including p&p within Europe
Additionally, visitor #250.000 of amiga-news.de recieves a Prelude1200 plus
Samplitude Opus LITE (combined value: 203,49 Euro)
Marc, a great idea :-). The relevant counter is that from WebHits, on the left. This counter
has a reload lock of several hours, so it's not possible to hit reload repeatedly! Screenshot,
with time send to albrecht@act-net.com .
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Andreas R. Kleinert
akNAIL Datatype registering at RegNet
Andreas R. Kleinert writes:
All people who registered for the bundle with the akNAIL datatype at RegNet
(while I have to admit they weren't that many ;) and miss the keyfile for
akNAIL, please download the latest version of "DeRegNet" from my homepage,
and simply type in the registration code once again...
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Amiga Central
Mandrake was at Amiga
Mandrake, co-developer of the Window Manager for X (Enlightenment) was invited to a
meeting at Amiga. Here his statement from his website:
Today I, raster, nettwerk, kainx, and chris dibona went over to amiga to have a little chat with Allen
Havemose (VP of Engineering) and Richard Lipes (Director, Multimedia Services) of Amiga. We talked about
a few interesting things. I promised I wouldn't say too much about what they told me on my web site, but
they might be holding a couple of tricks up their sleeve yet. I also got to leave with a bunch of Amiga
paraphanalia - which in and of itself is kinda cool. I don't know what all I can talk about q uite yet,
but I'll find out. They were pretty impressed with enlightenment, which is cool - but we did make sure
they realized it IS only beta (at best) code and we're not anywhere near done with it yet. We'll see
where this goes from here. But I'm pretty excited about maybe working with them on a few things.
This is a repost, the original message had the links screwed up.
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Torsten Dudai
New Cartoon: A long road
more ...
(td ) (Translation: td )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Martin Sahlén by eMail
AAA Award Sweden 1998 winner presentation
The winner of the Swedish AAA Award will be announced on Saturday, August 14th 1999,
on the Great Nolia Exhibition in Umea, Sweden:
more ...
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Epic Marketing
Press release: Paul Burkey and Epic Marketing announce cooperation
Paul Burkey (Foundation) and Epic Marketing announce their cooperation.
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Bill McEwen (Amiga)
Amiga Advisory Council Press Release
»August 6, 1999
San Diego, CA - The Amiga Advisory Council is officially launched today
August 6th, 1999.
The community submitted hundreds of Nominations, and based upon your input
we are pleased to welcome the following members of the Amiga Advisory
Andrew Elia Ben Vost Bill Panagouleas Cade Hannan
Carsten Schroeder Chris Heereman Christian Kemp Christoph Dietz
Conor Kerr Craig DeLahoy Dave Law Don Hicks
Gary Peake Gunter Horbach Heinz Wrobel Holger Kruse
Ian Greenaway Jeff Rose Juergen Haage Kermit Woodall
Luca Denelon Malte Mundt Randhir Jesrani Thomas Frieden
Thomas Raukamp Thomas Svenson Tom Lively Trish Zlotek
Wayne Hunt Wayne Martin
The objective of the AAC is to help us better plan the future of Amiga
through close communications with people who are viewed as leaders in the
Amiga community. The members of the AAC have all executed non-disclosure
agreements (NDAs), with Amiga and will have access to confidential
information regarding future products and plans. This allows Amiga to share
sensitive information with respected members of the Amiga community without
having to disclose our plans publicly.
The members of the AAC were selected to represent their different areas of
affiliation within the Amiga community - the Press, Developers,
Dealers/Distributors, and the User Group organizations. The AAC is
designed to provide a flow of information from the Community to the Amiga
management team and from Amiga back to the community. Each of the members
of the AAC will act as a conduit to the community and the areas that they
We held our first official meetings with the AAC in London and in Sacramento
with over 20 AAC members participate in these first official meetings. The
AAC was able to share with Amiga many of the desires, and needs of the
community. As we work towards the launch of the Next Generation Amiga the
input received by the AAC will help guide those decisions.
"We are excited to welcome the members of the AAC as active representatives
of the Amiga community and look forward to implementing many of the programs
suggested in the near future, stated Jim Collas, "together we will make a
difference in computing forever."
For more information please contact:
Bill McEwen
(ps )
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Torsten Dudai
New Cartoon: Relatively revolutionary
more ...
(td ) (Translation: td )
[News message: 05. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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phase 5
Phase 5: G3 development update
G3 development update.
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Andreas Falkenhahn
Rainboot 2.65 released / Original Windows98 Bootup for Amiga?
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
1) Rainboot 2.65 released:
On the Airsoft Softwair website, a new version of the famous multimedia
bootup Rainboot has just been released. For the first time, the new version
offers support for multiple background pics and other new features / improvements.
2) An original Windows98 Bootup for Amiga?
That's possible now, of course simulated only :-) At the Airsoft Softwair website,
the WindowsSimulator Bootconfig for Rainboot has been released. This looks almost 100%
like the Windows98 original (start screen, cycle, desktop, icons, taskbar, sounds).
A Windows98 startup is faked, leading to a rare Exception suggesting to rather use
AmigaOS. The bootup is great for impressing PC friends, at least it worked for me.
Rainboot 2.65 is required, since new features of this version are used.
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Dangerous tips for solar eclipse
There are hints going around on internet that you could use a floppy disk
instead of a special eclipse glass for filtering sunlight - which is not
without risk! If you thought about doing so, read the above article by
Chip magazine (German, sorry).
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Amiga Universe
New columns at Amiga Universe
At Amiga Universe, you can read the monthly columns of
Chris ,
James ,
Tecno ,
Fleecy and
Lennart .
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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New issue of Amithyst Online Mag
New issue of Amithyst Online Mag.
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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LinuxPPC and Microsoft invite hackers
He who succeeds breaking in at crack.linuxppc.org
wins a system as reward. Microsoft offers www.windows2000test.com
for cracking, but as opposed to Linux demands adherence to certain
rules ;-).
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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H&P: 3DWorld Logos online
H&P: 3DWorld Logos online.
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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New feedback form for gfx cards
CybergraphX has reworked the feedback form (link above) for gfx cards. Here you
can report which gfx card you are using. These informations are important for
programmers wanting to optimize their software. You can get the results
here .
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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CCC: Chaos Camp Shuttle
The big weekend is drawing near, the big Chaos Camp is taking place.
Departure times for the Camp Shuttle Bus are available from the
Camp Update .
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Amiga Extreme
Lambda: News
There are new screenshots and a status report of Lambda on the
developer page .
The PC development has been put on hold, the game is still being developed "only"
for Amiga.
(ps )
[News message: 04. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Foundation News
Two Foundation products have been announced for this year. First there'll be "Foundation: Directors Cut"
which is a re-release of the original Foundation, containing version 1.25, supporting graphics cards,
gouraud shading and more special effects. Regarding the very low price (£14.99) of the re-release this
is the chance for everyone who "forgot" to buy this game 'til now.
The second one will be "Foundation Edge", which is Foundation, completely rewritten in portable
C++ (which could mean a PPC version of Foundation) and a totally different interface. The
Foundation's Edge Homepage is already
online. More information will be available there by the end of the week.
Update News:
In the next days a new update will be released. Paul Burkey is working on version 1.25, which will
be included on the CD "Foundation: Directors Cut". The support for Foundation and FoundationDC will
be continued.
more ...
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Jan Andersen by eMail
Update Virus Executor Version 1.82a
Name: Virus Executor v1.82a Archive: ve_182a.lha or VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size: 45.255 bytes Date: August 3rd, 1999 Author: Jan Erik Olausen
Download: ve_182a.lha
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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AmiDog arranged Emulation Corner
AmiDog summed up all its emulation in "Amidogs Emulation Corner" with a news section on the main pages.
New versions of DarcNES/Amiga und AmiGenerator can be downloaded.
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Myzar 2.0 available
Download: Myzar_v2.0.lha
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Czech Amiga News
AmiWest '99 Report by Floyd Diebel
AmiWest '99 Report by Floyd Diebel.
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Marc Albrecht by eMail
Heise: Sun Plans Multimedia Processor
Sun Microsystems announces a processor supporting JAVA directly. SUN is partner
to AMIGA Inc.
Some related links:
The Register: Sun preps Net box-oriented CPU
The Register: Sun MAGC CPU set for Java-style public licencing
ZDNet: Sun brings Java-Multimedia-Chip (German)
CMPnet: Sun conjures Java CPU for media apps
FutureZone: Sun Develops Multimedia-Processor (German)
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Robert Wahnsiedler by eMail
Flightsimulator "Flight Gear" Is Open Source
Amiga game writers should have look at the titlelink, where source code of the
flight sim "Flight Gear" can be found. A hardware accelerated MESA or Open GL
is required, so this should be an ideal project for a Warp3D powered MESA PPC
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Robert Wahnsiedler by eMail
Amiga in K1 Reportage (German TV)
Robert Wahnsiedler writes:
Yesterday, about 1:00 AM, I stumbled across a repeat of "K1 - Die Reportage", and
what did my tired eyes see in a report - an Amiga 4000. :) -.
It was about payment on internet by credit card, and how easy it is being cheated.
They showed an interview with Evrim Serim (sp?), a long-standing Amiga user and
co-author of the book Hackerland. It was briefly shown how easy it is for a "pro"
to hack into a simple site, and read out the credit card data. The interview was
made in his room, where he sat in front of an Amiga 4000, which was easily recognized
by keyboard and desktop. :) The screen was not that much visible, but the great Boing
ball sticking to the monitor :). Great advertising for insiders... :).
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Torsten Dudai
New Cartoon: Santa Amiga 1492
more ...
(td ) (Translation: td )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Dirk Baeyens
amiga-news.de now in Vlaams, too :-)
Starting August 3rd, Dirk Baeyens from Belgium started translating the Amiga News
to Vlaams. With this, our news are already available in four languages. We are
very happy about it, and warmly wellcome Dirk in our team :-).
(ps )
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Linux Ticker
Unreal engine ported to Linux
According to Epic , the porting of
the 3D game engine Unreal to Linux is almost completed. More information at the link above.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Titan Computer
Titan Computer: New Website
Titan Computer has improved their website with a new layout. Highlight: A news
page, where all news can be found at a glance from now on, without having to
search all subpages :-).
And here two news:
Titan announces cooperation with Hyperion Software.
BurnIT Version 2.50 available.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Uwe Prieth (User EMail)
Heise: New Amiga with Transmeta-CPU and Linux?
Heise (producers of the reknown computer magazine c't) writes:
Another veil of secrecy around the company Transmeta was lifted by the
ClieNT Server NEWS in their issue
310, dated August 2nd, 1999. There, it sais that the Californian high-tech
company has won its first OEM customer in Amiga. Officially, both companies
remain quiet, Amiga just hints at the hardware used in a Product / Technology
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Pagan Games
WoA 99: Report by Pagan Games
WoA 99: Report by Pagan Games.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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WoA 99: Report with pictures by Rosande
WoA 99: Report with pictures by Rosande.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Maxon Infoservice
Cinema4D: New tutorials on MAXON websites
On the MAXON website, there is a collection of handy tips & hints for Cinema4D available.
With many pics and exsample animations, the BASIC tutorials are equally interesting for
beginners and pros. The tutorial area is continuously updated.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Martin Endres (User EMail)
Latest info about Camouflage project
Martin Endres writes:
Camouflage will appear in a substantially improved version for LINUX. A first
concept study "Camouflage NG/CamX" will be available shortly at www.work.de/camouflage/.
There will be a "normal" Linux- and a "special" AmigaNG-version. 68k-Camouflage users
can upgrade to CamX upon availability. Suggestions, ideas stc. are always wellcome at
endres@work.de .
68k-Camouflage AB development will continue - don't panic. Scheduled release date for
the first CamX version: 1st quarter 2000.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Jim Collas in c.s.a.m.: Re: Let's have a little more FAITH!
In this posting, Jim Collas does speak earnestly about the reactions of
the Amiga community to his way of managing Amiga. Required reading, IMHO.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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Martin Sahlén (User EMail)
AAA Award International 1998: Marcel Beck among the winners :-)
Among other things, Martin Sahlén writes in this press release:
Marcel Beck, author of the reknown Amiga EMailer "YAM", has been decorated on July 24th,
1999, at the WoA in London with the AAA Award International 1998.
(ps )
[News message: 02. Aug. 1999, 08:00 ] [Comments: 0 ]
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