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Andreas Magerl in ANF

Starting immediately, the publisher and computer club APC&TCP can be contacted at the new e-mail address The old address will be deactivated shortly. (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Halil Ibrahim Tasova in ANF

JST version 2.9d
Download: jst.lha (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Kai Höltel in ANF

Amiga User Club Bautzen e.V.
Amiga User Club Bautzen e.V. wishes a merry christmas for everyone. Read more on our homepage. (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer in ANF

Frogger version 1.48 (beta) for PPC released
Download: frogger_ppc_148.lha (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Lohrmann in ANF

clickBOOM offers Quake sources for download
clickBOOM has also released the Quake1 sources by ID Software. clickBOOM offers help for programmers wanting to do a PPC implementation. The best PPC versions will be offered for download at clickBOOM, with a note that owning the original game is required for the PPC version. more ... (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jörn Plewka in ANF

Merry Christmas
DCE, Gruner Bürotechnik and of course Katodev, too (Andreas, Stefan, Markus, Thorsten, Torsten, Rüdiger and Jörn) wish all Amiga users and visitors of this server a merry christmas. more ... (ps)

[News message: 23. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Torchia

Spitfire version 0.31 released
Spitfire is a Palm desktop for Amiga (makes connection between Amiga and PalmPilot or similar small computers). With the latest version you can insert, edit, delete, create backups and more. Download: Spitfire.lha. (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New AmigaAMP PlugIns
New: Waves Of The Future v2.3 and Trance Tunnel v1.5. (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Descent II source code released
"Matra Datavision, a subsidiary of the French technology company Aerospatiale Matra, has released its CASCADE Object Libraries under the label Open CASCADE as open source." (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Society in ANF

Fake around
A fake named "RSE-PRY2.LHA" is going around. It says it is a crack patcher, and destroys the floppies! The fake has been uploaded to all mailboxes! Beware! (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Gröning in ANF

Multiterm Kit V5
The software Multiterm Kit V5 has been released for free download by TKR. Moreover, MultiFax V4 is also available for download.
Download: multiterm_kit_5.lha
Download: multifax_v4.lzh (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Funke in ANF

Programmer for Realsoft 4D (Amiga) wanted!
Realsoft announced the successor of Real3D on their homepage. The new version is called Realsoft 4D, and is currently only planned for Windows, sadly, since Realsoft has so far not found a programmer willing to implement such a demanding program for the Amiga. Should someone be interested, please contact (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Vetter in ANF

VOICES Vol. 1 Drums available!
Some time ago, Nightshift announced the production of a high-quality SoundCD series in the Amiga Special. The first CD of the "VOICES" series, containing first class drum sounds, is available from Nightshift starting immediately. Further details on the Nightshift homepage (Produkts/CD-Roms/). Some example drum loops are available for download. (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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D. Sessler in ANF

QUAKE 1 sourcecode released
At (title link), under the news from December 21st it reads: "This is the complete source code for winquake, glquake, quakeworld, and glquakeworld." (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AC-Forum [Ulf]

This is where IWin is stealing...
We thought from the very beginning that IWin is a fake/hoax. Now, we read in the Amiga Club Forum a posting from Ulf, with a URL (title link) which confirms this anew. You find the plagiarism on the IWin coorporation website (see DatapakTM). more ... (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Epic Marketing

Simon The Sorcerer
The number of pre-orders for Simon The Sorcerer II Amiga is currently at 156. So we have almost one third of the necessary pre-orders. The final game will run on AGA and gfx boards, and require a 68030 and 8 MByte RAM. You can place your pre-order online: (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Starting immediately, clickBOOM will tell what's new every month with their "S-Files". In the current S-File there are christmas and new-year greetings. Then, a new game for girls is announced: "Sarah goes shopping" - which turns out to be a joke from Sofia (author of the newsletter.
In my opinion it wouldn't be bad to target people who don't like the shoot-em-up genre that much. (ps) more ... (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Atéo News
There is a new update for ateoser.device, new driver versions (serial and ethernet only with keyfile), new preferences versions (serial and parallel) and a new program telling you which installation status your system has, and generates keyfiles; all available from the download area. more ... (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Titan Computer

NCodeR now cheaper
NCodeR now cheaper. (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Total Vision

Frogger for PPC version 1.47 released
Note from the author: Please beware that this is a version not yet finished, and probably unstable. In this case fall back to version 1.45. Download: frogger_ppc_147.lha (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Peter Fischer by e-mail

AmiMasterGear version 0.8 released
A new version of the AmiMasterGear (SEGA-Emulator) has been released, version 0.8, author: Joan Antonio Gomez Galves. Download: AmiMasterGear.lha (ps)

[News message: 22. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [News]

Compaq licenses BeOS
"Operating system company Be has given a 'Stinger' license to Compaq. This special version of BeOS is especially prepared for so-called Internet Appliances aside from the PC. If and when such a surf device will be presented to the market by Compaq was not announced by the computer manufacturer." more ... (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amster v0.1 release 2 available
Amster v0.1 release 2 is a freeware port of Napster MP3 search/download client, done by Gürer "Palpa" Özen. Download: amster.lha (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Search Central PlugIn for V³ version 3.02 released
Download: vsearch_plugin_302.lzx (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGA International, Inc. on BCS India '99
From December 8 - 10, this year's TV- and Cable exhibition in New Delhi was held at 'Pragati Maidan' exhibition grounds. AMIGA, in cooperation with Rajan Electronics, demonstrated at their own booth how powerful the A1200 can be used in the TV- and Cable industry. In three days we sold more than a hundred machines, so the show was a full success. (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Lázló Török

First demo of SavagePPC version 1.0 released
Savage, the video driver for ShapeShifter (MAC emulator) is now available as PPC version. The driver supports 4, 8 and 15 bit, and is coded in 100% assembler. The shareware fee is USD 10 or 15 DM. Download: SavagePPC.lha (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steve Crietzman in SaveTheAmiga ML
A first draft of the Amigakernel homepage has gone online today. Praise, suggestions, comments and ideas for improvement please mail to Steve. (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New demo of "Bubble Heroes" released
The development status of the game is already at 91%, so we can look forward to another adventure game. Download (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet [recent]

Aminet Uploads 21.12.1999
Zeitplan.lha         comm/bbs    18K+Schedule-Info (Manager) for Prometheus (
netinfo.lha          comm/tcp   219K+GUI Traceroute/Network Info Viewer
Napoli85-99.lha      docs/misc   18K+Napoli FC statistics since 1985-86
sharks.lha           game/actio 273K+Great Action-diving V1.3 !
PSPrintAE.lha        gfx/misc    60K+PostScript-Print, PlugIn for ArtEffect2+
BSNESGui.lha         misc/emu    68K+A great gui for WarpSNes
01_body.mpg          mods/mpg   5.4M+Prodigy-inspired metal...
Mindprobe.lha        mods/mpg   6.6M+Trance/Acid/Metal mixtured song...
NewMillennium.lha    mods/mpg   2.6M+Meshuggah-inspired metal...
pie_hurts.mpg        mods/mpg   1.2M+Hardcore from Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
Resurrection.lha     mods/mpg   5.4M+Trance/Acid//Goa/Metal mixtured song...
Lch-AmySuns.lha      pix/art    399K+A couple of Amiga inspired pics
Epson_400.lha        text/print  15K+Epson Stylus 400/440 Driver for WB V1.10
Epson_600.lha        text/print  16K+Epson Stylus 600/700 Driver for WB V40.1
HP_Deskjet400C.lha   text/print  15K+Deskjet 400C/L Driver for WB 40.8
HP_Deskjet600C.lha   text/print  16K+Deskjet 600C Driver for WB V40.10
HP_Deskjet670C.lha   text/print  17K+Deskjet 670C/680C/690C Driver V40.21
HP_Deskjet870C.lha   text/print  16K+Deskjet 870C/890C Driver for WB V40.9
Cybermagic.lha       util/blank 1.1M+Blanker for Cybergraphix (0.5.0)
FixSuffix.lha        util/cli     7K+Gives numbering suffixes a fixed length
UnFixSuffix.lha      util/cli     7K+Removes supernumerous zeros from numberi
dt2ps.lha            util/dtype  65K+Datatype to postscript. Unique features
ttflib68000.lha      util/libs  239K+Ttf.library v0.8.2 truetype font engine
ttflib68020.lha      util/libs  237K+Ttf.library v0.8.2 truetype font engine
ttflib68030.lha      util/libs  237K+Ttf.library v0.8.2 truetype font engine
ttflib68040.lha      util/libs  237K+Ttf.library v0.8.2 truetype font engine
ttflib68060.lha      util/libs  237K+Ttf.library v0.8.2 truetype font engine
VersionWB.lha        util/sys    35K+V2.12 AmigaDos Version replacement.
clipper.lha          util/wb     50K+Handy Listview tool to set the Clipboard
TextloaderNG.lha     util/wb    401K+TextConverter V2.11b - Word,WPerfect,HTM

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

SecondSpin v1.85 / JST Version 2.9c

SecondSpin v1.85 released
SecondSpin is a new encoder that doesn't have to be started from Shell, but offers an easy-to-use GUI. For encoding the MPEG files, the packet relies on the LAME encoder. The audio tracks can be loaded directly from the Audio-CD, and converted to MPEG Audio files. AIFF and WAV files can be converted, with the conversion MPEG -> AIFF being possible too, with support for layer 1, 2 and 3. New: Now also supports conversion of Protracker, XM, S3M and Fasttracker modules to AIFF or MP3. Download. more ... (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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TV-Logo v1.0
The Amiga Computer Club D.A.D. Kranj has released version 1.0 of TV-Logo. (This is the program for displying and controlling the logotype of TV station in the TV picture. Program is running on any plain Amiga. All you have to do is to get this program and a genlock.) (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The END for HydraBBS?
The author of HydraBBS obviously lost his motivation. He took on a full-time job, and his A4000T also doesn't work as intended. He now thinks about leaving Amiga, and possibly learn Linux and Java, to participate in the FreeWorldBBS project. (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Apex Designs

Status report and new screenshots of "Payback"
Apex Designs opened up a mailinglist for Payback. You can subscribe here. (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Garlich by e-mail

Press release on Heretic 2
We have released first Amiga screenshots of Heretic2. You can get them under (title link). Screenshots taken from HereticII beta7 runing on A4000 060/PPC233 CVision. (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz by e-mail

Aminet GUI update
Alexander Kurtz writes:
I applied some changes to the layout of the interactive area. You can now easily switch between areas. For technical reasons I cannot offer the chat room anymore! I am looking for a new system hopefully usable for Amiga browsers. If you sill want to chat, I can warmly recommend It is available on Try it. more ... (ps)

[News message: 21. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Killian in ANF

Cybermagic 0.5.0
Starting with this version, the 3D module are available in WarpUp versions. A new 3D module is included as well as an Installer script for AmigaOS3.5. Download: Cybermagic.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Fenn in ANF

Thor Version 2.6a - Y2K fix
There is a Y2K bugfix for Thor. Download: thor26upd.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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WarpMAME - Arcade Emulator for WarpUp
Download: WarpMAMA_v0.36B11_v0.4.lha and/or WarpNeoMAME_v0.36B11_v0.4.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Garlich by e-mail

CandyFactoryPro version 1.03b released
In the download area the latest version of CandyFactoryPro is available for download.
Changes since the last version.
Download: CandyPro103b.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner by e-mail

NetInfo II version 2.5 and MetalWEB4 pre.2 released
Download NetInfo: netinfo_25.lzx
Download MetalWEB: MetalWEB4_pre2.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze by e-mail

Followup to the statement concerning development of HSMathLibs
Matthias Henze writes:
In this statement I wrote that many users complained about bad support. It occured to me that many forums and mailing lists carried postings about the stormamiga.lib and the HSMathLibs. Obviously there are many questions on the subject, the answers of other users are however seldom close to the truth. Guesses, rumors, speculations and half-truths are spread, but almost nobody comes up with the idea to contact the author, me. more ... (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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clickBOOM by e-mail

Nightlong is coming
clickBOOM's Millennium Madness continues -- more ... (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers by e-mail

The nightmare starts in 2000
There will soon be a 10 MB trailer available from the website, and the February issue of "The Pulse" will carry an exclusive preview. (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AWD [News]

CUCUG: The Status Register 12/99
CUCUG: The Status Register 12/99. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Transscripts of the IRC conferences during the HEW '99
During the Home Electronic World in Cologne on Saturday, November 13th, 1999, again IRC conferences were held with personalities from the Amiga szene. As last year on Computer '98, well-known companies and people all around the Amiga joined these conferences organised and moderated by members of the UGN (User Group Network). (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik by e-mail

Amiga Arena News
GeoWorld special at Amiga Arena!
Probably the best geographic software GeoWorld is available for a special price from Amiga Arena. More details at the title link.
Amiga Arena wishes all users a merry christmas! (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Dudai

New cartoon: Merry Christmas...
more ... (ps)

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Aminet [recent]

Aminet Uploads December 19th, 1999 - 2
Thomas Frieden has offered the source code for ADescent for download on Aminet. Download: ADescentSrc.lha. For matters of copyright please also read ADescentSrc.readme. more ... (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Peters Amiga Homepage

All Epson and Deskjet printer drivers updated
All printer drivers for Epson and Deskjet printers have been expanded by several commands, improving the printing quality. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Zacharias

AEMail Update Version 2.21
Download: AEMail221.lha (ps)

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PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX

Update akMPEG version 3.06 (68k + PPC)
Download: akMPEG2.lha (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Torchia

PVS (Picasso Variable Setter) Update version 3.2
Download: PVS.lha (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Kühnen in ANF

Fake Warning!
The latest Aminet upload of "VersionWB" (3.0) in util/sys is a fake. In the program itself, (probably) only the version number has been changed, the file has the same size as the current v2.12. The archive has been expanded by some "jokes". more ... (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz

New fxPAINT plugin for connecting with other applications
The new Stargate PlugIn allows to easily connect other graphics applications directly with fxPAINT. A PlugIn for Ultraconv NG and sample source code for developers is included. Download: stargate.lha. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AWD [News]

Compuquick x-mas offers
Compuquick x-mas offers. (ps)

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Visual Engineering

Visual Engineering News
The website of Visual Engineering has been reworked. Aside from tutorials you can find new effects for Visual Alpha. Registered users of Visual Border can order Visual Alpha seperately. more ... (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko by Carl Moppett
Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko by Carl Moppett. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Reworked REBOL documentation
Download the REBOL documentation (hold down shift): manual.r (ps)

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At the CyberGraphX website there is a survey to judge interest in 3D glasses for Amigas with CyberVisionPPC or BlizzardVisionPPC. Results will be posted in a week or so. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet [recent]

Aminet uploads December 19th 1999
Dkg-Prices.lha       biz/dkg      1K+Pricelist for Amiga products at DarkAge 
865163186pe.lha      demo/aga   1.0M+"865163186pe" by PAS MAS (2nd at VEP'99)
iq2k-ms.lha          demo/aga   1.7M+"mankind sucks" by iq2000 (1st at VEP'99
devpic.lha           dev/cross   67K+PIC16 development package
BibelNT_Guide2.lha   docs/hyper 482K+Interpretations of bible NT2 (german)
atoms.lha            game/2play  44K+Classic Atoms game with ASM source
AmiSGE.lha           game/patch  23K+Decode/Encode Frontier:Elite II saved ga
StarCrusaderPa.lha   game/patch  19K+Speedup patch for Star Crusader
WHDF29.lha           game/patch  25K+HD Installer for F-29 Retaliator V1.1
WHDHeroQuest.lha     game/patch  30K+HD Installer for Hero Quest V1.2
CreateIndex.lha      gfx/conv    16K+Make HTML picture index with ImageStudio
VE-Main.lha          gfx/edit     4K+Visual Eng. - Important information
VE-VAlphaP.lha       gfx/edit   270K+Visual Eng. - Visual Alpha Preview
TP3.1.lha            hard/hack  299K+A SAVE TriplePlay MIDI-Interface for Bar
imdbDiff991210.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
1999StBt.lha         mods/misc  604K+The Best Mods of Stamen in 1999
Phenomen.lha         mods/stame 150K+"Phenomenon", module by Stamen 1999
EP_DaveLowe.lha      mus/play     3K+EaglePlayer "Dave Lowe" external replaye
EP_SConnolly.lha     mus/play     4K+EaglePlayer "Sean Connolly" external rep
UebermRuhrpott.jpg   pix/trace  175K+Ueberm Ruhrpott
CharMap.lha          text/font   71K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
Jumpgate.lha         util/cli     7K+V2.0 - Patch programs for speed - Olly
VersCheck.lha        util/cli   809K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 190K+AkJFIF-dt V44.60 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
akJFIF-PPC.lha       util/dtype  56K+AkJFIF-dt PPC plugin V44.60 (JPEG)
akJFIF-WOS.lha       util/dtype  76K+AkJFIF-dt WOS plugin V44.60 (JPEG)
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 198K+AkPNG-dt V44.50 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
akPNG-PPC.lha        util/dtype  71K+AkPNG-dt PPC plugin V44.60
akPNG-WOS.lha        util/dtype  85K+AkPNG-dt WOS plugin V44.60
akTIFF-dt.lha        util/dtype 202K+AkTIFF-dt V44.50 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/W
akTIFF-PPC.lha       util/dtype  95K+AkTIFF-dt PPC plugin V44.60
akTIFF-WOS.lha       util/dtype 105K+AkTIFF-dt WOS plugin V44.60
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype  35K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (WarpOS/PPC only) V44
KPointer.lha         util/mouse   9K+Megaman, Mario, Bub, and DK Pointers.
Scion2html.lha       util/rexx   33K+WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy 
AT.lha               util/time   97K+German database and reminder (freeware)

[News message: 19. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

WarpJPEG.datatype version 44.2
Download: WarpJPEGdt.lha (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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MicroDot I (not II) update version 1.18
Download: microdot1_18.lzx - 440 Kb more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Gehler by e-mail

Novia INS version 0.74.02 beta released
A new version of the Open Source BBS System NOVIA is available from my homepage. The project is under GNU General Public License, so the source code is included in the archive. The program can be downloaded as lha archive at novia.lha. There now is a (simple) technical documentation for the program. Moreover, I am looking for programmers, documentation writers, translators and beta testers helping me to bring this project to "final" state. (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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StrICQ beta version 0.1653 released
Download: STRICQ.lha (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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aNapster released
aNapster is an Amiga client for the Napster "MP3 sharing protocol". Download: anapster-snapshot.lzx. (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New PlugIn for AmigaAMP by Stian Strøm
New PlugIn for AmigaAMP by Stian Strøm. (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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BoXeR survey results
       BoXeR 6z 58.6%
       BoXeR 4z 24.6%
       BoXeR 4  11.0%
       BoXeR 6   5.8%

       PCI Display Card     63.4%
       PCI SCSI Card        12.6%
       PCI Ethernet Card     8.4%
       PCI Toaster NT Card   7.8%
       PCI Sound Card        6.8%
       PCI Multi-Serial Card 1.0%
more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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V3 Portal

New Search plugin for Voyager
vsearch_plugin_301.lzx (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mikko Kallinen

Lambda - 3d space action game
In his Lambda status report Mikko says that most basic functions of the new 3D engine have been defined and implemented in OpenGL. That "Descent: Freespace" will now be ported was a slap in his face, since he begun Lambda development because there were no up-to-date 3D space action games for Amiga. After he recovered from the initial shock, he is wildly determined to make Lambda better than its pendant. more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Foundation Update 1.27
Beta testing of the latest update took longer than planned. Version 1.27 should work with all previous versions, older updates are not required. Download: FoundationUpd27.lzx (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Yandiy in ANF

Win at Amiga-Online
Starting today, you can win CDs from Amiga-Online. All you have to do is to collect enough links and mail them until January 15th, 2000. (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michaela Prüß in ANF

BUGFIX Installerscript VersCheck V2
Three days ago a bug sneaked into the VersCheckV2 Installer script. For those who didn't already fix the bug on their own:
  1. The fixed archive is on my homepage, and will soon be available from Aminet too. Download: VersCheckV2.lha
  2. Only available from my homepage is a second archive containing only the Installer script. Download: VersCv2Fix1.lha - 11 Kb.
  3. For those daring enough: In line 31 of the script, a ")" is missing at the end of the line - that's it. Somehow it got lost. The Installer message says line 1163 or such, because the effect of the missing bracket is not recognized earlier.

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alex Kazik in ANF

A new version of scene-handler has been put online yesterday. With scene-handler, you can mount and directly access MovieShop 4.2/4.3/4.8 scenes and projects. Download: scene-handler.lha. more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Han van Gelderen in ANF

Team AMIGA Central now online
Team AMIGA Central now online. (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Schaumlöffel by e-mail

Andreas Schaumlöffel writes: Due to a very stupid HD crash I lost all e-mail addresses I collected on my system. So all who know me, please send me a short mail with the usual data, so I can add you to my AB again. more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Mayer-Gürr by e-mail

Amiga RC5 Team Effort News
Andreas Mayer-Gürr writes:
1.) CSC: A new PC client, twice as fast as the old one, is available.
2.) RC5: An older 68k (beta) RC5 client is available, which does not support some details of the latest client (like status bar and statistics with Myzar), but is about 30% faster. I tried it and it works very well, my 68060 does about 148 kkeys/sec instead of the 117 kkeys it did before. If you only use the client for calculating, I did not encounter problems. So:
2a.) get blocks with the latest client
2b.) calculate blocks with the beta client
2c.) submit blocks with the latest client, and continue with 2a.)... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld by e-mail

X-Surf network cards delivered
Jens Schönfeld writes:
This morning, the X-Surf ethernet cards have been delivered to all distributors at the same time, a full week delayed. The delay of the delivery was however not due to technical problems, but due to my car accident: I was busy handling police, insurance and the company that towed away my car (by the way, anyone interested in a Volvo 850 crash car?). Since the cards will reach customers before christmas, however, I think I can be pardoned, can I? (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto by e-mail

Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever Holiday Bundle: New ROMs & MP3s
For all Amiga emulation enthusiasts who ever wondered what Workbench 1.0 looked like, or what the late Jay Miner, "Father of the Amiga", has to say in his own voice about the Amiga and other interesting issues, Cloanto just released the Amiga Forever Plus Pack, which contains new Amiga ROM, Workbench and MP3 audio files! The Plus Pack joins the Amiga Forever family of emulation and support products, which are officially licensed by Gateway's Amiga companies. more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Paul Nolan by e-mail

Paul Nolan Ltd extends Photogenics 5th anniversary sale
Due to the huge success of the 5th anniversary special offer, it has now been extended until December 25th. Paul Nolan would like to thank those who have purchased Photogenics for their support, and wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
For those who missed the sale details, they are as follows. Paul Nolan is offering the full version of Photogenics 4.x at a 25% discount. This brings the price down from $99.99 - to $75, or just $65 if upgrading from a previous version of Photogenics. The special is only available direct from Paul Nolan Ltd, either online at, or the StarByte order hotline on 1 800 243 1515, extension 400. Callers outside of North America should prefix this with their international dialling code for the US (for example dial 00 1 800 243 1515 from the UK). (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute

Translator wanted!
Since the "restart" of the English pages of Amiga-News, the daily translations are a one-man-job again because Marek didn't respond so far. more ... (ps)

[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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17.Dec.1999 currently reworked
We are switching the website completely to SSI (Server Side Includes). Therefore some links to subpages might not yet work perfectly. In this case, the "Home Button" does however always bring you back to the main page. We hope to finish the change tonight (December 17th). Tomorrow we will be back with the news. (ps)

[News message: 17. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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