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AmiKit (ANF)

Workbench distribution: New Raspberry Pi installer for AmiKit
Ján Zahurančík's workbench distribution AmiKit now includes a new, Debian-based installer for the Raspberry Pi. It adapts to the actual Raspberry Pi device used, be it model 5, 400 or 4.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2024, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Internal 10-watt amplifier for the A1222 Plus
Kevin 'ktadd' Taddeucci has purchased an A1222 Plus in addition to his existing AmigaOS 4 hardware (MicroA1, AmigaOne X1000) and reports on his experiences in a blog. Having recently tested various audio players, he now takes a short detour back to the hardware and reports on how he has equipped his A1222 Plus with an internal 10-watt amplifier and loudspeakers. (dr)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2024, 06:15] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Game: Heretic II (2024) to be released for high-performance 68k Amigas
Press release: Brussels – August 05, 2024. Hyperion is excited to unveil a brand-new port of Heretic II (2024) developed by Steffen Häuser, tailored specifically for high-performance 68K Amiga systems.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2024, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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Book: German edition of "The Making of Prince of Persia" now available
Jordan Mechner is an internationally renowned game designer whose best-known work is probably "Prince of Persia". Mechner recorded the creation of this global hit in his memoirs, which he wrote down during development and published in 2020 ( reported). The book has now been published in German, translated and edited by Stephan Freundorfer: "Jordan Mechner: Die Erschaffung von Prince of Persia – Tagebücher 1985-1993" (original title: The Making of Prince of Persia) invites the reader into the wild, golden 8- and 16-bit era and lets them participate in the restless life of a young creative who is looking for his place between screen and pixels – and becomes famous. Mechner's memories and sketches are historical documents, very personal insights into early game development and the emergence of digital narratives. more ... (nba)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2024, 13:02] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: The Effect of CRTs on Pixel Art
The Swedish technology nerd and software developer Carl Svensson has published a new article entitled "The Effect of CRTs on Pixel Art" on his website In it, he discusses how CRTs smoothed out the hard edges and block structures of old video game graphics through their blurring and artefacts such as scan lines and colour overlays. Svensson also points out that modern techniques such as anti-aliasing and dithering, which contribute to smoothing and colour blending, enhanced the visual experience on CRTs, which is often misunderstood when pixel art is displayed on modern flat screens. To visualise these effects, Svensson also shows images from games and applications for the Amiga, including Ruff'n'Tumble, Monkey Island, Silkworm and Deluxe Paint IV. (nba)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2024, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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Didier Malefant (Mastodon)

Gimmick: Humourful assessment of a GitHub account
To "roast" someone means to mock and belittle them in a humorous way and is usually meant in a nice way. This tradition became particularly popular in the USA through the "Dean Martin Show" (see Wikipedia article). The user 'codenoid' has now applied this concept to GitHub accounts: all you have to do is enter the username of an account on the website set up under the title link and you will receive an amusing summary of the activities and projects (including translation into the desired language) with the help of AI.

We have been reporting on Richard Körber's projects, who also has a GitHub account, for some time now. He has kindly agreed to let us take the piss out of him here... Thank you! :)

"Richard Körber, huh? "Open Source developer and Java professional"? More like a wannabe coder stuck in a retro time warp! Your "little private computer museum" sounds suspiciously like a last-ditch attempt to gather all the discarded tech you couldn't bear to part with. With 71 public repos, it's impressive how you've managed to wring out so little attention – a whopping 0 stars on your computer museum? That's some real dedication to mediocrity!

Your stargazers count speaks volumes: maybe a grand total of 501 on "acme4j," but let's be honest; it's not like you're pulling in celebrity-level applause. A whopping 57 followers? It seems like half of them must've hit that follow button on accident! Java enthusiast? More like Java aficionado of obscurity. And what's with the retro obsession? Are you trying to resurrect the 80s or just desperately holding on to some nostalgia? Get it together, Richard - it's time to evolve from your basement's computer graveyard." (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2024, 19:11] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Image and music editing possible with the A600GS?
YouTuber 'Proteque' took a look at the now available A600GS computer ( reported), particularly with regard to image and music editing. His conclusion: he has high hopes for the future and is happy to support the project, but currently it was not in a state he can enjoy it. In his opinion, the computer is not intended for the "casual gamer", but for Amiga enthusiasts. What bothers him most at the moment are the slowdowns in the desktop environment due to the 68k emulation and the fact that OctaMED does not start, but this should be fixed this week.

As Amiga Kit explains in response to our article, four system updates have been released since the video was published, which have fixed most of the bugs. OctaMED, for example, is now running smoothly again, as a problem with the stack of fonts in the disc font library has been fixed. (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2024, 13:24] [Comments: 1 - 06. Aug. 2024, 16:41]
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Sprite/Icon/Map editor: Raster Master v3.7 R104 for Windows 10/11
Raster Master ( reported) is a sprite/icon/map editor for Windows 10/11 which generates RayLib-, PutImagedata and Map code for gcc, AmigaBASIC, Amiga C, Amiga Pascal, QuickBasic, QB64, Quick C, Turbo Pascal, freepascal, Turbo C, Turbo Basic, Power Basic, FreeBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA, and PC-BASIC (YouTube video of version 3.7). more ... (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2024, 08:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Kit: A600GS available / Paolo Cattani games pre-installed
Press release (PDF): Cardiff, 4th August 2024
Famous Amiga games developer, Paolo Cattani (interview from 2019) has provided his classic Amiga games to be pre-installed on the new A600GS computer.

Virtual GP and Thunderhell are installed ready to play on the A600GS. Existing A600GS users can download a free update to install the games to the games menu.

Virtual GP was sadly Paolo's last production for the Amiga range of computers shortly after Commodore's bankruptcy. He wanted to to contribute to the Amiga games scene so started the development of Virtual GP (codename AlienF1). VGP would have to accomplish two missions: on the one hand, it would implement a fast 3D engine aimed at hi-specification Amigas (AGA and 68030 required) featuring gouraud shading, texture mapping, billboarding, curved surfaces and all the things that were "hot" at those times; on the other hand, it had to be the most realistic simulation of a Formula One car available on the Amiga.

Thunderhell is a classic shoot-em-up game. The game is an horizontal scrolling (with three levels of parallax), fast paced shoot'em up full of enemies, bullets, explosions and all the bells and whistles that one could expect from a game of that genre.

Matthew Leaman, MD of AmigaKit Ltd commented on the collaboration: "We are thrilled that Paolo has agreed to include his great games with the A600GS. We are grateful for his support of our project."

Paolo Cattani added: "As a pioneer in the development of video games for the Amiga range of computers I'm very glad and honoured to give my contribution to an amazing project which keeps alive the memory of a machine that was such a glorious milestone of the IT history."

The A600GS is available for around 130 euros (plus shipping) at or for around 155 euros (plus shipping) at (dr)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 19:46] [Comments: 1 - 05. Aug. 2024, 07:33]
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Aminet uploads until 03.08.2024
The following files have been added until 03.08.2024 to Aminet:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 03.08.2024
The following files have been added until 03.08.2024 to OS4Depot:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 03.08.2024
The following files have been added until 03.08.2024 to AROS Archives:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 03.08.2024
The following files have been added until 03.08.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 03.08.2024
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 03.08.2024: more ... (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 files have been added:
  • Castlevania Vampire Killer Tyros Edition
  • Thexder (Dark Side of the C)
  • Formula One Grand Prix Tyros 3 Edition

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Review of July 2024
In his blog, Andrzej 'retrofaza' Subocz has published a summary of AROS/x86 news for the month of July at the title link. (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:58] [Comments: 0]
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Tutorial: Creating a Kickstart disk for the Amiga 1000 with WinUAE (German)
Already in mid-July Domingo Fivoli has described how to create a Kickstart disk for the Amiga 1000 in his german Commodore blog at the title link. For this he used the emulator package Amiga Forever and the Amiga Explorer, whereby the kickstart data was read from an Amiga with GrabKick, transferred with CrossDOS and finally written to a disk image file using the program WriteKickDisk. (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:57] [Comments: 0]
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IndieRetroNews (Webseite)

Game announcement: Video about "Dungeonette - The New Adventure" (update)
Adrian Cummings (Mutation Software) has published a short video at the title link on the current state of development of his game "Dungeonette - The New Adventure", which is announced to be released at the end of the year for AGA Amigas including the Amiga CD³².

In a forum the author explained: "It will run on stock Amiga AGA and CD³² with 2 MB Chip-RAM and of course [on THEA500 Mini] etc. It is a hybrid of many games in reality and has some roots in Diablo for sure but also many others as a hack & slash dungeon crawler. Just for the record... Originally the basic game was written for Apple Watch many years back and then also a version was released for Spectrum Next back in 2017/18. This version is all new just for Amiga however and only resembles those previous titles in name only."

Update: (18:54, 07.10.24, dr)

The release date has now been specified as Friday, 6 December 2024. Since the video under the title link is no longer availale, this Video introduction was done by the German YouTube channel 'MagisthansSpielekiste'. (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:57] [Comments: 1 - 07. Oct. 2024, 18:57]
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Tutorial: Setting up a cross-compiler for AmigaOS 4
Around three months ago, Hans De Ruiter announced a membership programme in which software and electronics tasks are to be discussed and solved ( reported). He has now launched this programme with Kea Campus and, as promised, has also set up an Amiga corner on YouTube in which instructions etc. will be published at different times.

The first post he has published there is a video explaining how to get a cross-compiler for AmigaOS 4 up and running quickly. He has also published a short summary in text form under the title link. (dr)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2024, 08:37] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: E-Mail client Iris 1.32, Contacts 1.40 (update)
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 1.31 of his e-mail client Iris and version 1.4 of the contact manager Contacts for MorphOS. Detailed changes:

Iris V1.31
  • Don't show a 'Failed to obtain message body' error message if message doesn't have a body
  • Updated cURL
  • Implemented folders list context menu
  • Mail list context menu improvements
  • Implemented attachment icons in message lists
  • Delete/Backspace keys may now be used to quickly delete messages (disabled by default)
  • Added more spacing before quoting the original mail in replies
Contacts V1.40
  • Fixed a bug that prevented various I/O operations from working after transitioning from a background service to a full-blown MUI application
  • Contact editing fixes and improvements
  • Fixed a regression when editing a photo of a contact
  • UI layout fixes in main window
Update: (08:12, 03.08.24, dr)

The developer has released Iris version 1.32 which fixes a regression with read/unread flags not being updated correctly when the remote state changed. Additionally the folder list context menu was improved. (dr)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2024, 08:13] [Comments: 0]
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Mastodon (ANF)

Python program: Pymod plays Amiga modules
The Python program Pymod, released in version 1.1.1, uses PortAudio (via PyAudio) to connect to the respective audio hardware. The emulation of ProTracker's behavior goes so far that even its bugs are optionally taken into account when playing music modules.

Thanks to Python's "import" function, Pymod can also be used by other programs to play modules. (snx)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2024, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Nils77 (e-mail)

Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced
Following the discovery of further computer graphics on the Amiga of pop art icon Andy Warhol ten years ago, one of the presumably only two copies of the Debbie Harry portrait that have been printed back then has resurfaced now, created at the presentation of the Amiga 1000 in 1985 - the other one is owned by the Blondie singer herself.

Jeff Bruette, a Commodore technician at the time, who lives in the US state of Delaware and taught Andy Warhol how to use the computer, is going to sell the painting that has been hanging on his wall for almost forty years now. It also includes an original floppy disk with pictures created later by the artist. (snx)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2024, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Test version 3 of "Dr. Dangerous"
Inspired by the Amiga classic Rick Dangerous, hoogames has released another playable test version of "Dr Dangerous" (new YouTube video), which was created with the Scorpion Engine ( reported).

The new version 3 adds three more levels (9 to 11). The code system for the in-game codes has also been revised: you now have to find the codes in each level (big computers). In addition, a new enemy and a small intro have been added and levels 1 to 8 have been revised. (dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2024, 06:46] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: First public version of Odyssey browser (64-Bit)
For the first time, the beta version of the 64-bit Odyssey browser is available for those who want to try it either hosted on AROS or directly on Windows 11 or Linux. Detailed instructions for installation on each of the supported platforms have been prepared under the title link. (dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2024, 06:13] [Comments: 1 - 01. Aug. 2024, 10:10]
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'jojo073' (Mail)

Game: Agent 357
José 'jojo073' Gonzáles has released another game, "Agent 357": Agent 357 has received a tip from headquarters asking her to investigate a company facility deep in the forest. It is an area that is difficult to access and it is rumoured that there are underground laboratories where experiments are being carried out with drugs. She needs to get there to confirm this.

Agent 357

The game has 3 levels and different types of enemies. In addition to zombies, you also have to avoid other dangers. The game is created in 32 colours and can be controlled using both the keyboard and the joystick. You can also find sketches of the game by the graphic designer on the game website.

If you would like to have the ADF file or buy the physical edition of the game, please send an enquiry to the email address shown in the picture. The physical edition contains a 3.5" disc, manual and a coloured slipcase. (dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2024, 06:08] [Comments: 0]
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Rogue-like game: Rogue Declan v1.3.1 and demo version (update)
After winning AmiGameJam 2022, Nivrig Games continues working on its twin-stick shooter (YouTube video) and released version 1.3.1 with fixes, optimisations and refinements. Detailed Changes: more ... (dr)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2024, 06:17] [Comments: 0]
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