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Preview video: Dungeon Crawler "The Cthulhu Project" (24. Jul. 2024)
In a new preview video ( reported), developer Maurice Doerr explains what he has been working on recently: optimising the engine and adapting the dialogues and selection options. Feedback on the interface or elements of the game is welcome....

Preview video: Dungeon Crawler "The Cthulhu Project" (27. Feb. 2024)
At the end of last year, we introduced Maurice Doerr's dungeon crawler "The Cthulhu Project". In another preview video, he now shows interactions with computer-controlled characters (NPCs) for the first time....

Dungeon Crawler: "The Cthulhu Project" (DevLog) (06. Dec. 2023)
About three weeks ago, we introduced Maurice Doerr's dungeon crawler "The Cthulhu Project" and reported on the first part of his DevLog series. In this episode, he explains parts of his AMOS PRO code in general and loops in particular....

Dungeon Crawler: "The Cthulhu Project" (DevLog 1) (11. Nov. 2023)
Maurice Doerr is not only a photographer, but has also been a passionate Amiga user since 1987. Over the years he has owned several models such as the A500, A600, A1200 and the CD32 and programmed in Assembler, AMOS, Amiga E and Blitz Basic. After a long ...

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