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31.Dez.2017 (ANF) |
Rechtsstreit: Stellungnahme von Hyperion, offener Brief zweier Entwickler Zu Beginn des Jahres war die Registrierung des "Amiga"-Warenzeichens in den USA endgültig abgelaufen, woraufhin sich zwischen Hyperion und Cloanto eine Auseinandersetzung um diverse Amiga-Marken auf zwei verschiedenen Kontinenten entwickelte. Vorläufiger Höhepunkt des Konflikts - zumindest in den USA - war eine Klage von Cloanto gegen Hyperion. Hyperion reagiert nun auf das Bekanntwerden der Gerichtsverhandlung mit einer Pressemitteilung, in der man bedauert, dass Cloanto sich zu diesem Schritt entschlossen habe - der Hyperion zwinge, "erneut erhebliche Ressourcen aus der Entwicklung abzuziehen und in einen Rechststreit zu investieren". Man betont, dass man weiterhin der Ansicht sei, dass das eigene Handeln durch den Einigungsvertrag mit Amiga, Inc. komplett abgedeckt sei. Außerdem wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Cloanto die "AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition" ja "viele Monate" selbst vertrieben habe, weswegen man Cloantos Vorwürfen etwas "ratlos" gegenüberstehe. Thomas 'Thor' Richter und Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel, die im Auftrag von Hyperion an einem vor kurzem angekündigten Update für AmigaOS 3.1 arbeiten, haben zwischenzeitlich einen offenen Brief an beide Konfliktparteien veröffentlicht. Im Namen der "Amiga Community" weisen sie die Konflikparteien darauf hin, dass der wahre Wert der Amiga-Rechte heutzutage in der aktiven Fangemeinde liege, die mit ihrem Enthusiasmus weiter ein Produkt unterstütze, das aus technischer Sicht seine Anziehungskraft schon lange verloren habe. Genau dieser Enthusiasmus würde aber unter derartigen Auseinandersetzungen am meisten leiden, wodurch dem Amiga - und damit auch den beiden Rechteinhabern - deutlich mehr Schaden entstehen würde als durch den Rechtsstreit. Deswegen sei es im Interesse der beiden Unternehmen, sich auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner zu einigen und sich aus dem Weg zu gehen - der Markt sei groß genug für beide. Im folgenden der offene Brief von Richter und Barthel im Wortlaut: Open Letter to Cloanto Italy SRL Udine, and Hyperion Entertainment CVBA, Brussels Fellow Amiga copyright owners and licence holders, we recently became aware of another lawsuit concerning potential trademark and copyright violations between your two companies, and we are distressed to witness another round of legal action in the aftermath of the Amiga’s slow decline as a business. It is understood that both of you want to protect your assets and secure your corresponding business models, but at what cost? May we invite you, however, to take a step back as we provide our analysis of what establishes your assets? While you may be certain that you have control over the Amiga trademarks, the AmigaOS source code, the ROM images and the contents of the Workbench disks, these assets only establish the respective legal and technical grounds on which you can run your businesses. The reason why your companies are able to do Amiga-business is due to us, the users, the fans, the software and hardware developers and Amiga experts - the few who are still around and who keep driving the system, by buying your products, by developing software and hardware in our own spare time, by providing support in our spare time, and by keeping the community alive. Your products, copyrights and trademarks would be void if it were not for the countless people who support a product which, from a purely technical perspective, has long lost its shine and appeal. We, the users, developers and fans, are also your customers. And as such, we are very concerned to witness how you invest time and effort into lawsuits, which would be much better spent on your users and your products. The market is still sufficiently diverse to support more than one company caring for the Amiga, but this would call for coexistance rather than a prolonged struggle for control. From the very beginning, “Amiga” stood for creativity and passion, but always in conjunction with both a wonderful machine and a fascinating operating system. These issues never had to be settled in court. We kindly ask you to consider the ramifications of each party having just enough legal leverage to frustrate the other party’s means to conduct its Amiga-business. The resulting stalemate has repercussions beyond this legal stand-off. The goodwill and the passion which sustain the Amiga are not bottomless. We are weary of having to witness how the results of our efforts, the countless hours of spare time we devoted, are diverted into lawsuits rather than productive work. We would ask of you to find the common ground which allows the both of you to do Amiga-business and not step on each other’s toes. You share more than what currently brings you into conflict, you certainly share the need for a sustainable Amiga market and the community which enables it. Your fellow Amiga Community (cg) [Meldung: 31. Dez. 2017, 18:24] [Kommentare: 107 - 13. Jan. 2018, 00:57] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] | ||
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