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DiskMaster2: Bugfix-Update für die letzte AmigaOS 2.x-Version
Die letzte Version von DiskMaster2, die noch unter AmigaOS 2.x lief, hat ein Bugfix-Update auf V2.5.30a erfahren (aktuell ist V2.5.32).

  • Bugfix: Despite of beeing called V37 compatible 2.5.30 displayed it's menus black on black with the internal configuration. Thanks to Piotr Likus for the report!
  • Bugfix: without 'Font' command some fonts could be left un-initialised
  • Bugfix: removed a potential buffer-overflow from 'SaveConfig'
  • Bugfix: annother overseen race-condition, this time with outputRexxVar() thru 'Choose'
  • Bugfix: When starting from the internal startup the default-name for the startup was killed
  • Bugfix: selecting the close-gadget of some window while DiskMaster2 is busy could also close NOCLOSE windows
  • Bugfix: Activating the string-gadget of the cmd-window with no dir-windows caused an enforcer-hit
  • Bugfix: Window-Top is now only scaled for different screen-resolutions if it's greater than Bar_Height+1
  • Bugfix: Horizontal scrolling was not working correctly for ages now because of on inaccurate line...
  • Bugfix: sorting by extension could be trapped in an endless loop for empty directories
Download: (248 KB) (snx)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2005, 12:25] [Kommentare: 7 - 19. Jul. 2005, 00:31]
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