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Neo (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Dateisystem SFS 1.248
Für das alternative Dateisystem "Smart File System" (SFS) steht ein weiteres Update zur Verfügung. Änderungen seit der letzten Version:
  • 1.248 (17.7.2005):
    • Fixed a bug in the OS4 update3 check which enables the workarounds for the Workbench, ContextMenus, etc. bugs.
  • 1.247 (16.7.2005)
    • Allows writing to existing too large partitions again, but not formatting new ones. As increasing the limits would require changeing the data structures and make such a version incompatible to current and old versions of SFS I wont change them. You may get a "Disk Full" error now on too large partitions, instead of trashing the partition like SFS versions <= 1.244 did, even if there are still hundreds of GB free space on the partition.
    • ACTION_FILESYSTEM_ATTR times are in milli seconds now.

Benötigt wird das Patchwerkzeug GPatch, das Sie wie folgt anwenden:

GPatch SYS:Kickstart/SmartFileSystem SFS_to_1.248.gpatch SmartFileSystem_1.248 (cg)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2005, 01:39] [Kommentare: 4 - 17. Jul. 2005, 11:30]
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