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Mai Logic: Informationen zum Articia P Chipset
Mai Logic hat Informationen zum Articia P Chipsatz bekannt gegeben, die Sie im PDF-Dokument unter dem Titellink lesen können. Auszüge aus dem Dokument:

Articia P's groundbreaking architecture enables five buses to run concurrently in one package. The five buses are CPU bus, memory bus, and three configurable peripheral buses-- 32-bit AGP4X for industry-strength multimedia performance, 64-bit 133/66MHz PCIX for high-bandwidth connectivity, and 32-bit 66/33MHz PCI for legacy, low-speed devices.

With its 166 MHz Front Side Bus, 333 MHz DDR memory controller, superb AGP4X core logic, dual 64-bit PCIXs, programmable Interrupt Controller, DMA controllers, integrated Clock Generator, and Global Timers, Articia P yields an unbeatable mix of power, performance, and value.

Articia P engineering samples are expected to be available in Q3, 2003. For any inquiries, please email us at (nba)

[Meldung: 14. Aug. 2003, 19:03] [Kommentare: 0]
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