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Mai Logic: Informationen zum Articia Sa Chipset
Mai Logic hat Informationen zum Articia Sa Chipsatz bekannt gegeben, die Sie im PDF-Dokument unter dem Titellink lesen können. Auszüge aus dem Dokument:

Articia Sa is a highly-integrated PowerPC companion chipset. Harnessing the industry-leading CPU bus speed of 166 MHz, the cutting-edge 333 MHz DDR SDRAM, the stunning graphic capability from AGP4X, and the extended data throughput of 64-bit PCI, the multi-missioned Articia Sa brings down system cost while offering phenomenal performance.

Articia Sa realizes a most powerful and yet affordable "toal solution" for the innovative pervasive computing markets by incorporating all critical functionality such as the programmable Interrupt Controller, the enhanced DMA engine, the integrated Clock Generator, and the Global Timers in one single package.

Articia Sa engineering samples are expected to be available in Q3, 2003. For any inquiries, please email us at (nba)

[Meldung: 14. Aug. 2003, 19:01] [Kommentare: 0]
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