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Bjorn Lynne (E-Mail)

Audio-Track "Call to Ancestors" von Bjorn Lynne online
Bjorn Lynne schreibt:
"First of all, many many thanks to those of of you who already bought the new CD "Power Liquids", which I released about two weeks ago. This is an album of trance / electronica that I made toghether with my friends in Aural Planet, and it has been extremely well received so far. Thanks again to those of you who have given your support so far, by ordering the CD.

Due to popular demand (!) I have now made one full-length track from the album available to hear online at It's the first mp3 track there. This is in addition to the short mp3 clips from ALL the songs on the CD, which you can still hear at:

While you are at my mp3 page, please give all my other tracks a play as well, as it may help them to get higher in the charts and make more people "discover" my music through the site. Thank you!

And for those of you who have still not discovered the new album: "Power Liquids", you can read all about it (or even order it) here: Your order (should you place one!) will be shipped out within 24 hours by me, personally." (nba)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2003, 14:27] [Kommentare: 2 - 30. Apr. 2003, 15:39]
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