Jan Andersen per E-Mail
Virus Help Denmark: VirusExecutor V2.14
Mit diesem neuen Update von VirusExecutor V2.14 kann das neue Virus
"BOBEK" aus dem Speicher gelöscht und in Dateien entdeckt werden. Es
gibt derzeit allerdings noch keine Routine, die infizierte Dateien
reparieren kann. Das bedeutet, dass Sie infizierte Dateien ersetzen
Weitere Informationen:
- Name: VirusExecutor v2.14
- Archivname: VirusExecutor.lha
- Archivgröße: 266.569 Bytes
- Releasedatum: 24. April 2001
- Programmierer: Jan Erik Olausen
- Benötigt:: xvs.library (enthalten), xfdmaster.library,
reqtools.library, xadmaster.library
News in v2.14
- Fixed enforcer hit when adding files from SYS:WBStartup
- When Enforcer or CyberGuard is running the MMU: text turns blue.
- Using xadmaster.library for extracting archives.
- Improved Bastard file checking a bit
- Added memory checking and file checking for Bobek link virus.
Please wait for a new update of the xvs.library for removals of
the Bastard and Bobek virus...
- Shows only the diskdrives that you have.
- Removed the requester 'VirusExecutor is allready running'.
When starting VE when VE is already running the screen just come
to front and get active.
Because of the new Bobek virus I had to release this version of
VirusExecutor. Hope it works with the xadmaster.library ;)
Remember to join the Amiga antivirus maillist for free. Just send
an empty email to: vht-dk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com (ps)
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 2001, 20:22] [Kommentare: 0]
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