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Jan Andersen per E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark: Neues Linkvirus gefunden
Ein neues Linkvirus namens "BOBEK" wurde gefunden und nach dem noch unbekannten Installer wird gesucht. Das neue Virus fügt jeder geöffneten oder ausgeführten Datei 460 Bytes hinzu und patcht die dos.library. Das bedeutet, dass Antiviren-Programme, die das Virus noch nicht kennen, infiziert werden. Hier die Originalnachricht von Virus Help Denmark:

A new link-virus has been found, the installer is still unknown, we are looking for it. This new virus will add 460 bytes to every file that is opened or executed. That also means that even an antivirus program (that the virus is unknown to), will infect every file it checks for virus. The new virus patches dos.library ExNext function to spread it self. The new virus has been given the name "BOBEK", this is the text you can read in the end of every infected tile.

Okay, here is what we know so far:

Archive name : ?
Archive size : ?
Virus name : BOBEK
Virus size : 460 bytes
Infection : dos.library ExNext

At this time no antivirus program can find this new virus, so take big care out there. We are right now testing a beta version of the antivirus program VirusExecutor,that will be able to find the virus and to remove it from memory.

If you find or have the installer for this virus, please send it to me. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Apr. 2001, 20:22] [Kommentare: 2 - 25. Apr. 2001, 19:37]
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