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3dfx Open Sources Glide API And Releases Hardware Specifications
3dfx macht die Glide API zu Open Source und veröffentlicht Hardware Spezifikationen für 3D Hardware, um Entwicklern bessere Möglichkeiten zu geben, gute Treiber für verschiedene Plattformen zu schreiben.

«3dfx Takes Leadership Position in 3D graphics for Linux
SAN JOSE, Calif.- Dec. 6, 1999 - 3dfx Interactive® Inc. (NASDAQ: TDFX) today announced that the company is Open Sourcing its Glide® application programming interface (API) and releasing hardware specifications for all its currently shipping 3D hardware accelerators. By Open Sourcing Glide and releasing the specifications, 3dfx is enabling software developers and the Open Source community to better develop, support, and maintain drivers for 3dfx products across a variety of delivery platforms. Moving forward, 3dfx will focus its internal efforts on developing the industry's best Direct3D and OpenGL hardware platforms.» Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink.

Weiterer Link zum Thema: Heise: 3dfx goes Open Source (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Dez. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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