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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 25.05.1999
ExtremeDemo.lha      biz/dkg    254K+DTV Realtime Effects Generator (DEMO)
xtm-amiga.lha        biz/dkg     45K+Extreme texture
xtm-amoeba.lha       biz/dkg    130K+Extreme texture
xtm-bark.lha         biz/dkg     95K+Extreme texture
xtm-blistPaint.lha   biz/dkg    124K+Extreme texture
xtm-boing.lha        biz/dkg     37K+Extreme texture
xtm-brain.lha        biz/dkg    113K+Extreme texture
xtm-caviar.lha       biz/dkg     61K+Extreme texture
xtm-circlepatt.lha   biz/dkg     86K+Extreme texture
xtm-cobra.lha        biz/dkg     90K+Extreme texture
xtm-colorful.lha     biz/dkg    102K+Extreme texture
xtm-colvetr.lha      biz/dkg    102K+Extreme texture
xtm-deco1.lha        biz/dkg     98K+Extreme texture
xtm-deco2.lha        biz/dkg     45K+Extreme texture
xtm-denim2.lha       biz/dkg    124K+Extreme texture
xtm-dragon.lha       biz/dkg     44K+Extreme texture
xtm-eclipse.lha      biz/dkg     92K+Extreme texture
xtm-flowers.lha      biz/dkg    109K+Extreme texture
xtm-frozen.lha       biz/dkg    116K+Extreme texture
xtm-glassBlock.lha   biz/dkg     98K+Extreme texture
xtm-grass.lha        biz/dkg    106K+Extreme texture
xtm-grFibers.lha     biz/dkg     93K+Extreme texture
xtm-ground.lha       biz/dkg    115K+Extreme texture
xtm-horses.lha       biz/dkg     94K+Extreme texture
xtm-hurricane.lha    biz/dkg     39K+Extreme texture
xtm-marbleGrey.lha   biz/dkg     89K+Extreme texture
xtm-misc.lha         biz/dkg     67K+Extreme texture
xtm-ossidiana.lha    biz/dkg     61K+Extreme texture
xtm-paper.lha        biz/dkg    117K+Extreme texture
xtm-SandHoles.lha    biz/dkg     95K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-skin.lha         biz/dkg     96K+Extreme texture
xtm-sky.lha          biz/dkg    103K+Extreme texture
xtm-spooky.lha       biz/dkg    100K+Extreme texture
xtm-stars1.lha       biz/dkg     95K+Extreme texture
xtm-stars2.lha       biz/dkg    100K+Extreme texture
xtm-stars3.lha       biz/dkg     82K+Extreme texture
xtm-stars4.lha       biz/dkg     76K+Extreme texture
xtm-stones.lha       biz/dkg    109K+Extreme texture
xtm-sunset.lha       biz/dkg     32K+Extreme texture
xtm-texture0.lha     biz/dkg     54K+Extreme texture
xtm-texture3.lha     biz/dkg     28K+Extreme texture
xtm-texture4.lha     biz/dkg     92K+Extreme texture
xtm-texture5.lha     biz/dkg     84K+Extreme texture
xtm-tigerskin.lha    biz/dkg     94K+Extreme texture
xtm-tiles.lha        biz/dkg    105K+Extreme texture
xtm-water.lha        biz/dkg     80K+Extreme texture
AW120-italiano.lha   biz/haage   10K+AmigaWriter 1.20 - Italiano locale (Upda
pager127.lha         comm/bbs    67K+E!-Pager split-screen chat for EXCELSIOR
TeaBot.lha           comm/irc    36K+Feature packed IRC BOT addon for AmIRC !
atomic2_0.lha        comm/misc   14K+Amiga Worldwide Atomic Clock Synchronize
epookey.lha          comm/misc    2K+Free keyfiles for E!-Pager and Offline O
MIMEPrefs_HU.lha     comm/misc    3K+Hungarian locale for MIMEPrefs v1.2
uprc.lha             comm/misc   97K+Generates Aminet upload readme files
FreedomC1.11.lha     comm/net   435K+Internet's Connections Manager V1.11
FTransAPIv1.0.lha    comm/net    95K+Internet's Translator Client API v1.0
GetClient11.lha      comm/tcp    10K+FTP Get client (FTP files from a shell p
IBrowse_swe.lha      comm/www    21K+Swedish .catalog-file for IBrowse 1.22
tcd-rad_src.lha      demo/aga   873K+Source code for Radiation (C+ASM)
MWI-SDV17.lha        demo/mag   938K+SAVE DA VINYL #17 - packmag by MAWI edit
MWI-OneSpirit.lha    demo/slide 937K+ONE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY - slideshow by Mad
Crazy8.src.lha       dev/basic   26K+Blitz source for Crazy8's
NewCommandSet.lha    dev/basic  331K+NCS V1.85 - 23 new Blitz Basic II libs t
dtaudio_e.lha        dev/e       26K+Soundclass.datatype, example!
dtpict_e.lha         dev/e        5K+Pictureclass.datatype, example!
MCC_Pkb14_6.lha      dev/mui    157K+Piano keyboard, MUI-Class
MCC_ToolBar_HU.lha   dev/mui      2K+Hungarian locale for ToolBar.mcp v15.4
SmartInfo.lha        disk/misc    9K+SFSQuery replacement with MUI GUI
aMiGaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  67K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
Anime-MadFAQ.lha     docs/hyper   8K+Anime's Mad FAQ (ITALIANO)
jarg412.lha          docs/hyper 611K+Hacker Jargon file (April 99)
SolarHTML.lha        docs/hyper 195K+A HTML guide to the Solar System
AaktInt0599.lha      docs/mags  257K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0599GFX.lha   docs/mags  287K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AIOV24.lha           docs/mags  334K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 24 (May 
so.lha               game/2play 166K+Shoot Out. 2 player cat-and-mouse mayhem
diamondfever.lha     game/actio 150K+A Special Ballgame (FULL Version!)
RevAll_Pao.lha       game/data   19K+Collection of 6 victims for RevengeAGA
spasimon.lha         game/hint    4K+Spanish solution for Simon the sorcerer
Boat.lha             game/misc  193K+Adaptation of an electronic game
cag50unreg.lha       game/misc  699K+Create Adventure Games V5.0
DonkeyII.lha         game/misc  114K+Adaptation of an electronic game
CoolBooter1_6.lha    game/patch  43K+The ultimate Reboot-Starter. Freeware!
CoolPatcher.lha      game/patch  74K+Patch your favourite games. Now Freeware
Reboot-StartV3.lha   game/patch  45K+Reboot & Start your games FINAL VERSION!
CharED.lha           game/role   32K+D&D Character Editor V0.1a
Crazy8.lha           game/think 526K+Card game  you vs. computer
greenhornpuzzl.lha   game/think  67K+A little Puzzlegame (Full Version!)
MineSweeper.lha      game/think  90K+Mines with normal, nexagonal and triangl
SameGame.lha         game/think   5K+The famous Macintosh game
jpeg2mov.lha         gfx/conv    28K+Creates a QuickTime-Movie
sfwjpg.lha           gfx/conv   221K+Seattle FilmWorks (SFW) to JFIF converte
picFX.lha            gfx/edit    93K+Great CARDWARE image deformer (MUI) 0.88
VE-Masks.lha         gfx/edit   185K+Visual Eng. - Masks (fixed)
VE-shadow.lha        gfx/edit     4K+Visual Eng. - Shadow v3.22
VE-VSurface.lha      gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - Visual Surface v1.27
filtcat.lha          gfx/misc   2.1M+Collector index for ForgeFX 600+ Filters
GalaxCre8or.lha      gfx/misc    23K+Creates galaxy-like pix
ICS.lha              hard/misc  1.3M+V1.03 ICS - professional color correctio
quizzometro08b.lha   misc/edu   381K+Quizzometro is a Question machine
ElectronicGame.lha   misc/emu   550K+Adaptation of electronic games
TasRead.lha          misc/emu    26K+AmigaFormats ex-Tasword ZX/SAM documents
AmiSuperLotto.lha    misc/misc   41K+V0.93c-SuperEnalotto for Amiga!
ASuperLottoPPC.lha   misc/misc   50K+V0.93c-SuperEnalotto for Amiga!
Canal_Calc.lha       misc/misc  114K+AutoRoute for canals V3.12
Tottogol2.lha        misc/misc   44K+V2.6c-Italian prog for Totogol
Tottogol2PPC.lha     misc/misc   57K+V2.6c-Italian prog for Totogol
energy.lha           misc/sci    19K+Count some energy
if_i.lzh             mods/misc  1.3M+An easy listening fusion 16bit mod  
mvp_0042.lha         mods/mvp   696K+MoPlayaz - love prevails
70smood.lzh          mods/rock  334K+This is pure progressive rock 16bit
XM70S.lzh            mods/rock  298K+This is pure progressive rock 16bit
8svxtoxxx.lha        mus/misc    16K+IFF-8SVX to 8SVX, RAW, AIFF, WAV, VOC co
AE.2.0517.lha        mus/misc   553K+HD-recording program, formerly PlayHD
TheMPegEncGui.lha    mus/misc    52K+GUI for MusicIn, Lame(r), Ncode, Pegase,
AMPlifier.lha        mus/play   289K+Powerful MPEG audio player (V1.55)
smauer_a.lha         pix/3dani  3.9M+Nice raytrace anim
utopia.jpg           pix/art    151K+Scanned line-art image by wrecker98
batlogo1.lha         pix/trace  141K+Nice raytrace pic
cpu030pic.lha        pix/trace   61K+Nice raytrace pic
darwin8c.lha         pix/trace  377K+Nice raytrace pic
film_b.lha           pix/trace  290K+Nice raytrace pic
traceddisk.lha       pix/trace  285K+Nice raytrace pic
tracedearth.lha      pix/trace  540K+Nice raytrace pic
xwing3_.lha          pix/trace  240K+Nice raytrace pic
DJWB.lha             pix/wb      78K+3 Snapshots of my 16 Color WB
Skriptmanagr14.lha   text/edit  224K+Create Dos&Arexx Scripts,Generate AmigaG
Starlight.lha        util/blank  36K+Blankermodule for Cybermagic
DeStart.lha          util/boot    8K+Programstart to use in WBStartup
MirrorCopy.lha       util/cli    18K+Create/maintain exact copy of dir (V1.1)
mp3ext12.lha         util/cli    13K+MP3 Info Viewer + FileID creator
syp.lha              util/cli    32K+Show ya progress
AmigaFileViewe.lha   util/dir    93K+File viewer very similar to Windows Expl
CAR.lha              util/misc   11K+MUI The BEST Aminet ReadMe Creator!!!
dvbgrab.lha          util/misc   10K+V0.1, DBox Screen-Grabber for DVB2000
FileCleaner.lha      util/misc   16K+Rename files in a dir to make it look ni
BeatIt2.lha          util/time   82K+Ultimate swatch beat clock package!
Gurus99_15O5.lha     util/wb    467K+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)

[Meldung: 25. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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