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Universelles PCI-Treibersystem: OpenPCI 11.2
Thomas 'Thor' Richters universelles PCI-Treibersystem "OpenPCI" unterstützt ohne Rückgriff auf die Software des jeweiligen Herstellers alle bekannten PCI-Lösungen für den Amiga. Die aktuelle Version beinhaltet folgende Änderungen:
  • GetBoardAttrs() and SetBoardAttrs() could loop forever on unknown tags, the end marker for the known tags was incorrect.
  • The PCI BAR register parser did not compute the parity correctly for some boards.
  • Two new tags were added for GetBoardAttr(), namely PRM_PCIMemWindowLow and PRM_PCIMemWindowHigh, which provide the PCI address range available for a device at config time, or the PCI address range a device is mapped into later. These are PCI addresses, not 68K addresses.
  • SetBoardAttr() can now write PRM_MemorySizeX and PRM_MemoryFlagsX at config time to dynamically size PCI devices. This is useful for tools called from within the PCI-Configuration file.
  • Fixed a missing register initialization when unloading tools from LIBS:PCI.
  • Added example source code for an init tool for sizing PCI devices dynamically.
  • Fixed the description of the autoconf vendor IDs in the autodoc file.

[Meldung: 19. Dez. 2024, 14:55] [Kommentare: 4 - 23. Dez. 2024, 00:53]
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