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AmigaOS 4: AmiUpdate V2.53 (Update 2)
AmiUpdate, das Aktualsierungsprogramm für Systemkomponenten und Programme, wurde am 04.02.2024 zunächst auf die Version 2.50, anschließend, nach einigen Problemen, auf die Version 2.51 aktualisiert. Die Änderungen:

AmiUpdate 2.50
  • The http transfer routines did not consider a filename with spaces in it. All filenames are now run through an encoder prior to the HTTP request being sent. This fixes issues like the MUI update failing to download.
  • update.library 53.19: Added more internal vectors.
  • RebootDeamon 2.4:
    • Reworked the source to avoid some duplication of code.
    • Changed the timer.device handling to avoid memory leaks.
    • Removed the pointless cancel button from the countdown requester.
    • If update.library could not be loaded, it tried to open an intuition requester for notification, but intuition had not been opened yet!
AmiUpdate 2.51
  • Some internal changes, but nothing functional (unless I added some bugs, of course).
  • It seems the http request headers did NOT include the version info in the User-Agent field, which the server uses. I could have sworn it was included ages ago!
  • Added better logging in the case of [405] errors.
  • The status bar will now show correctly if no servers are selected.
  • RebootDeamon 2.5: Seems there was a long standing bug which just popped up, which could lead to a crash dealing with the time requests.
Update: (11.02.2024, 14:18, dr)

Mittlerweile hat der Autor Simon Archer die Version 2.52 veröffentlicht, die aktuell jedoch nicht über AmiUpdate selbst, sondern unter "Downloads" unter dem Titellink heruntergeladen werden kann. Viele Nutzer hatten gemeldet, dass es zu Fehlern bei der iconifizierten Nutzung im HIntergrund von AmiUpdate kam. Das sollte nun behoben sein. Die Änderungen:
  • Unfortunately, trying to keep compatibility with OS 4.0 led to problems with the docky part of application.library, as it always opens V2 of the library interface. As the program is using the old V1 tags, this threw up an error reported by multiple users. As it is highly unlikely anyone is still using 4.0, it should not be a problem a huge problem. My aplologies to any 4.0 users, but now is the time to upgrade!.
  • As the ongoing saga with connections to "" is still ongoing, despite my best efforts to resolve it, I have now added a simple NSLookup to AmiUpdate in order to put rest to this issue once and for all. Accesses to "" and "" are now registered on "my" lookup server and are now redirected to the correct place without any intervention from the great wide internet.
Update 2: (13.02.2024, 22:01, dr)

Und nochmals wurde AmiUpdate aktualisiert, nun auf die Version 2.53. Nutzer hatten versucht, aus dem Prefs-Programm heraus nach Aktualisierungen zu suchen, was zu Fehlern führte. Das nun vorliegende AmiUpdate V2.53 aktualsiert das Update-Prefs allerdings nur auf die Version 53.17. Mittels eines separaten Updates des Voreinstellers gelangt man dann zur finalen Version 53.18. (dr)

[Meldung: 09. Feb. 2024, 18:17] [Kommentare: 2 - 13. Feb. 2024, 22:19]
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