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Shoot'em Up: "Skillgrid" V1.4
Anfang 2019 veröffentlichte Simone 'saimo' Bevilacqua sein abstraktes, vertikales Shoot'em up SkillGrid (YouTube-Video). Änderungen der Version 1.4:
  • Added cells field flashing when these cells (are about to) appear:
    • ASTEROIDS cell (bright colors);
    • BEAM/* cells, if their exit from the bottom of the screen would reduce the number of beams shot by the spaceship (bright colors);
    • MOTHERSHIP, MUSIC MODE, SKULL (same colors of the cells field when the associated boss/mode is active).
  • Made the spaceship flash red when its shield is low.
  • Made the spaceship glow red for half a second when its shield gets damaged.
  • Made the middle layer appear progressively at the beginning of a game.
  • Made the cells layer populate with empty cells progressively.
  • Changed a few pixels of the title screen spaceship icon and of the Skull.
  • Improved the handling of audio channels.
  • Made sure no sprite tearing occurs when switching between screens.
  • Made sure that the system MMU setup does not interfere.
  • Fixed crash when a tune was started while another tune was playing (e.g. when the MUSIC MODE cell was caught while missiles were active).
  • Fixed the stopping of the music mode music (it inhibited the restart of the spaceship afterburner sound).
  • Fixed the X position of specifically-requested cells (it was equal to the type of the cell removed at the same time).
  • Fixed the lengths of some sounds samples (they were odd).
  • Made various speed and memory optimizations.
  • Made the startup and cleanup code more robust.
  • Worked on the cells:
    • improved the handling of the TURN cell (now it is randomized and it ensures that the speeds of the UFOs will always change);
    • increased the frequency of the MUSIC MODE cells;
    • decoupled the randomization of the cells types and positions;
    • created the BOSSES (virtual) class of cells, grouping the BOLTSPITTER and SKULL cells (previously MALUSES) and the MOTHERSHIP cell (previously UNDEFINED) into it;
    • made the template of the BOLTSPITTER and SKULL cells striped;
    • made the template of the TURN cell fringed;
    • made the template of the BEAM/DOUBLE cell equal to that of the other BEAM/* cells.
  • Worked on the audio channels allocation priorities of the sound effects:
    • given the Boltspitter bolt shooting and the hitting of the spaceship by the Mothership beam priority over the milestone notification;
    • assigned the speech warnings specific priorities (from lowest to highest: "charge low", "shield low", "approaching asteroids", "escapes critical", "danger", "time running out").
  • Updated/improved the documentation. 19. Updated the artwork to reflect the new cells graphics.

[Meldung: 07. Jan. 2024, 07:18] [Kommentare: 20 - 10. Jan. 2024, 19:41]
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