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AmigaOS 4: AAMP 2.1 (Apache, MySQL und PHP)
AAMP bietet eine Entwicklungsumgebung für den Amiga, mit der man eigene Webprojekte erstellen und testen kann. Ähnlich dem bekannten XAMPP-Paket für Linux und Windows enthält es den HTTP- (Web-) Server "Apache" mit einkompilierter Unterstützung für die Skriptsprache "PHP" (Version 8.0.28 und 5.2.10) und den Datenbankserver "MySQL" in der Version 5.5.10 ( berichtete).

Die neue Version 2.1 enthält viele Verbesserungen und auch einige Fehlerbeseitigungen. Hauptneuerung ist eine neue Schaltzentrale, mit der man alle Server managen kann:

Die Änderungen im Detail:
  • The "AAMP-Control" tool is now available for the central administration of all servers and settings. In addition to Apache and MySQL, it can also be used to manage the PHP development server and the Subversion server "svnserve". The scripts "Start_AAMP.bat" and "Stop_AAMP.bat" are now obsolete and no longer included. All other start and stop scripts are still included, but the use of "AAMP-Control" is recommended.
  • Update of the Apache web server from version 2.2.11 to version 2.2.34.
  • The configuration of the Apache SSL module is now complete and working. So that clients can work with it without problems, there is a selection of CA root certificate collections in the Contrib folder, which also contain the server's certificate. Simply replace the required file of the client or browser.
  • The package now also includes a complete package of "phpMyAdmin" in version 5.0.4. This has been patched for better compatibility with PHP 8 and is already preconfigured. The package will be installed automatically during the installation of AAMP.
  • Optimized autostart at system start or when starting "AAMP-Control".
  • Update of the CA root certificates (Mozilla certificates as of 20.11.2023).
  • The default WebDAV directory is now "AAMP:Apache/uploads" and no longer "AAMP:Apache/htdocs/dav".
  • The Subversion package has been recompiled using the new Apache 2.2.34 libraries.
  • Various bug fixes. For existing errors please read the section "Problems"!

[Meldung: 21. Dez. 2023, 09:18] [Kommentare: 42 - 28. Dez. 2023, 10:00]
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