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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: E-Mail-Programm Iris 1.16
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek hat Version 1.16 seines E-Mail-Programms Iris für MorphOS veröffentlicht, die eine Vielzahl von Verbesserungen, Optimierungen und Fehlerkorrekturen enthält, darunter schnellere Aktualisierungen der Nachrichtenliste und eine bessere Handhabung von Operationen mit einer großen Anzahl von Nachrichten. Dies ist auch die erste Version, die eine polnische Übersetzung enthält. Die Änderungen im Detail:
  • All operations that can potentially modify a lot of messages are now done in stages to avoid timing out while server copies/deletes/etc the messages
  • Added progress to more message operations
  • Avoids reloading message list when deleting emails
  • Improved the Find Messages window's UI
  • Return key in the message editor now creates paragraphs instead of line breaks (hold shift to insert a line break)
  • Warns when trying to quit while there's still write operations running on server, etc
  • Improved CSS sanitization when viewing emails authored using Outlook
  • Implemented Auto-Update
  • Worked around a problem that caused longer subject lines with non-ASCII characters would sometimes end up with extra spaces added inside words
  • Fixed to refresh folder contents after deleting all messages in it
  • Fixed a case where Find Messages could get stuck forever when doing an advanced search
  • Fixed a case where message finder could continue working even after closing Find Messages window
  • Fixed a case where upon selecting a folder, the active message wouldn't automatically load
  • Updated WebKit and associated libraries
  • Added Polish translation

[Meldung: 15. Aug. 2023, 06:32] [Kommentare: 0]
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