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Dungeon Crawler: The Last Dungeon V0.7.1C
Als Beitrag zum AmiGameJam 2022 hatte 'PixelPlop' eine erste, spielbare, aber noch unvollständige Version von "The Last Dungeon" veröffentlicht (YouTube-Video). Mit einem weiteren Update hat er zahlreiche Fehler behoben:
  • Fixed multiple issues with the status panel not displaying the correct number of gold/keys/bombs.
  • Enemies can now display the item they are carrying which will hopefully make it less likely to miss the key in the first room on the right!
  • Fixed a bug where image draw offsets were getting reset to 0 when loading graphics from DAT files.
  • Fixed a bug where the auto map would sometimes not draw correctly for the first room.
  • Fixed a bug where pushable objects would sometimes draw the tile to the left when restoring background tiles.
  • Fixed a bug where the spinning sword on the title screen would draw in the wrong colours after returning from the character select screen

[Meldung: 10. Aug. 2023, 06:01] [Kommentare: 0]
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