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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads bis 24.12.2022
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 24.12.2022 dem MorphOS-Storage hinzugefügt:
HWP_ZIP_1.2.lha           Development/Hollywood/... Read and write ZIP arch...
AmiArcadia_29.34.lha      Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
LHArchiver_1.7.lha        Files/Archive             Create lha archives int...
Freedroid_1.0.2.lha       Games/Action              Remake of the classic P...
SuperTux_0.1.3.lha        Games/Platform            SuperTux_0.1.3.lha
194X_0.7b.lha             Games/Shoot2D             194X_0.7b.lha
MahjonggTiles_1.2.lha     Games/Think               MUI based Shanghai type...
Mesa-demos.lha            Graphics/TinyGL           Mesa demos for TinyGL
Fireflies_2.06.lha        Graphics/TinyGL           FireFlies (MorphOS Tiny...
Scout_3.6.lha             System/Monitoring         This is the official co...
TinyGL-Update-2022-12-... System/Update             This is the seventh pub...

[Meldung: 25. Dez. 2022, 07:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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