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English Amiga Board

RTG-Treiber: P96 V3.3.1 veröffentlicht
Jens Schönfeld (individual Computers) hat die Version 3.3.1 seines RTG-Treibers P96 veröffentlicht, die bei iComp gekauft oder aus der Bestellhistorie heruntergeladen werden kann. Dies ist ein kleineres Service-Release mit den folgenden Änderungen:
  • The Cirrus5434.chip driver was broken (Piccollo64, Matze's graphics card) and did not switch back from direct color modes to chunky modes.
  • One release of UAE had an issue by indicating that it would support mode mixing, but forgot to provide the necessary call-backs in some configurations. P96 provides now default call-backs avoiding the crash.
  • Bitmap handling was simplified and streamlined.
  • The Visiona driver supports now panning and interlace.
  • The installer places now the P96 version into ENVARC:Picasso96/Version so you know what you have on the system.
  • The installer no longer provides wrong default selections for the available boards in case the list of installed boards requires more than one page.
  • The installer makes a very tiny consistency check on the unpacked files as some people unpacked on the PC, and then protection bits were incorrect.

[Meldung: 09. Jun. 2022, 06:47] [Kommentare: 3 - 10. Jun. 2022, 05:05]
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