Amigaworld.net (ANF)
Workbench-Distribution: AmiKit XE 11.6.0 Update für Raspberry Pi 4/400
Die Version 11.6.0 der Workbench-Distribution AmiKit XE für den Einplatinenrechner Raspberry Pi 4/400 unterstützt nun auch AHI und Bluetooth und liefert darüber hinaus zahlreiche weitere Verbessungen, Updates und Fehlerkorrekturen. Die Änderungen im Einzelnen:
- Amigaspezifische Änderungen:
- ADDED: AHI audio support - Apps & games using AHI work now! (Paula 8bit stereo++)
- ADDED: Be Kool Fool demo by Focus Design: 1st at Gerp 2015
- ADDED: GMPlay 1.3 by Christian Buchner
- ADDED: GMPlayMUI 1.2 by Charlie/Stipey
- ADDED: GMTones 1&2 by Martin Caspersson
- ADDED: Minor cleanups here and there
- UPDATED: AmigaAMP 3.29 by Thomas Wenzel
- UPDATED: AmiSSL 4.9 by AmiSSL Open Soure Team
- UPDATED: AmiStart menus include AHI apps games now (your current menu config is backuped first: AmiKit:Utilities/EXPANSION/AmiStart/sm.prefs.bak1150)
- UPDATED: Ask Your Amiga (AYA) 0.5 by ALB42
- UPDATED: Hollywood Player 9.0 by Andreas Falkenhahn
- UPDATED: iGame 2.1b2 (15-Mar-2021) by Emmanuel Vasilakis and Contributors
- UPDATED: Infinite Module Player 1.21 by Pawel Nowak
- UPDATED: LoadModule 45.18 by Thomas Richter and Etienne Vogt
- UPDATED: MorpheuZ 11.6 (internal part of AmiKit) by Jan Zahurancik
- UPDATED: VisualPrefs 1.5m by Massimo Tantignone
- FIXED: AmiStart taskbar menu in HD mode does not scale anymore with each task icon displayed.
- FIXED: MIDI songs work now! Simply double-click any .mid file, eg. in AmiKit:Utilities/GMPlay/MIDI-Files folder.
- FIXED: VisualPrefs (and Birdie) theme works again if enabled in MorpheuZ (and AfA_OS is disabled at the same time)
- FIXED: Switching from DOpus to Workbench and back (via MorpheuZ) should work now again.
- FIXED: Matrix screen blanker disabled as it interfered with IMP and resulted in system lock.
- NOTE: If DOpus Aminet FTP doesn't work for you, check the passive box in FTPOptions > Misc settings.
- Linuxspezifische Änderungen:
- UPDATED: Amiberry 4.1.4 by Dimitris Panokostas
- UPDATED: Linux updates (included with new image; for existing installation simply run "Update Linux" from start menu)
- FIXED: Linux Bluetooth Adapter works now so you can connect all your Bluetooth devices, finally! If your Bluetooth audio is distorted, install brcm-patchram-plus package.
- ENDCLI: Oh, and now you can close any Linux terminal window with EndCLI command :)
[Meldung: 02. Jul. 2021, 05:07] [Kommentare: 0]
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