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Generation Amiga (Webseite)

Amiga-Emulator für Mac OS: vAmiga 0.9.12
Dirk Hoffmanns "vAmiga" ist ein neuer, "benutzerfreundlicher" (Zitat von der offiziellen Webseite) Amiga-Emulator für MacOS-Rechner, der einen A500, A1000 oder A2000 emuliert. Änderungen seit unserer letzten Meldung:
  • Added DOS disk support (3.5“ 720KB, Amiga Transformer)
  • Fixed a bug in the implementation of the RESET instruction (Amiga Transformer)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Paula to omit DSKBLK IRQs when no drive was selected (A-Max)
  • The ERSY bit in BPLCON0 now freezes the position counters (The Jetsons)
  • The BZERO bit in DMACON had wrong polarity when the Line Blitter was in use
  • Fixed the serial loopback cable (which was broken since v0.60)
  • The memory inspector has been updated. It can now display the bank map as it is seen by Agnus
  • Recalibrated the drive motor to rotate the disk at exactly 300rpm

[Meldung: 30. Sep. 2020, 19:51] [Kommentare: 0]
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