AROS-Exec (Forum)
AROS: Wöchentliche Fortschritte (ab 01.02.2016)
Allwöchentlich fasst Krzysztof 'Deadwood' Śmiechowicz die jüngsten Fortschritte der AROS-Programmierer zusammen. In den ersten beiden Februarwochen wurden u.a. Multiview und das Rendering des Dekorationssystems verbessert.
Week of February 1st:
- 64-bit fixes have been applied to Urltext, BWin and TheBar MUI classes (Kalamatee)
Week of February 8th:
- Performance of part of rendering of decoration system has been improved (Kalamatee)
- Alpha blitting in IntelG45 driver in now improved (Kalamatee)
- Fixes for 68k compatibility have been added to Calculator (wawa)
- Which command has been fixed only to find files (mazze)
- Romania keymap now available in Input preferences (polluks)
- Multiview is now able to scroll with space and backspace (mazze)
- Compatibility of Which command has been improved (mazze)
[Meldung: 19. Feb. 2016, 13:08] [Kommentare: 5 - 20. Feb. 2016, 07:57]
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