Aminet-Uploads bis 11.04.2015
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 11.04.2015 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
toram.i386-aros.lha comm/tcp 1.1M x86 Remote GUI for Transmission
toram-morphos.lha comm/tcp 1.3M MOS Remote GUI for Transmission
toram-os4.lha comm/tcp 1.6M OS4 Remote GUI for Transmission
AbbayeDesMorts.lha game/actio 603K MOS Abbaye Des Morts game for Amiga
Jay_the_miner.tgz game/jump 6.3M 68k Jay the miner
mummyv1.3.tar.gz game/jump 1.2M 68k The mummys tomb
AmiRobboSource.zip game/misc 72K Amos Source of AmiRobbo game
Show_Vector_1.35.lha gfx/show 280K MOS A Vectorgraphic viewer
AmiArcadia.lha misc/emu 3.8M 68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha misc/emu 4.1M OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha misc/emu 4.1M MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AOS-GamesIcons.lha pix/picon 2.3M GamesIcons, AmigaOS 4.1 Style...
MMULib.lha util/libs 638K 68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
cAMIra.lha util/misc 168K 68k simple webcam software using ...
[Meldung: 12. Apr. 2015, 18:55] [Kommentare: 0]
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