Pascal Papara
Hollywood essentials: Bibliotheken für Hollywood-Programmierer
Die "Hollywood essentials" sind fünf Bibliotheken von Fabio Falcucci, die Hollywood-Programmierern nützliche Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen sollen.
Die Bibliotheken im Einzelnen:
- HELPERS Library: A collection of functions to speed up common and repetitive tasks
- EASING Library: The easing library can be used to achieve smooth transitions between values. With it you can animate objects, fade colors and change values smoothly using one of the provided 41 transition functions.
- TABLES Library: This library exposes common functions to manipulate and convert tables
- DEBUG Library: With this library you can easily manage debug output to the console or to a log file. The console log system allow you to define channels and message types you can easily filter during the debug of your programs.
- FILESYSTEM Library: This library exposes common functions to manipulate files and check the file system.
[Meldung: 30. Nov. 2014, 21:59] [Kommentare: 23 - 02. Dez. 2014, 16:34]
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