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Aminet-Uploads bis 31.05.2014
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 31.05.2014 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
MuForce.lha              dev/debug  289K  68k Enforcer, detects illegal RAM...
MuGuardianAngl.lha       dev/debug  317K  68k detect accesses to non-alloca...
libgif_a68k.lha          dev/lib    345K  68k library for manipulating GIF ...
libgif_aros.lha          dev/lib    343K  x86 library for manipulating GIF ...
MuLink.lha               dev/misc   139K  68k Memory protect selected hunks...
MuScan.lha               dev/misc   137K  68k Print the MMU tree layout.
pfs3aio.lha              disk/misc  79K   68k PFS3 All-In-One
MuManual.lha             docs/misc  846K      mmu.lib: Tutorial, includes, ...
WormWars.lha             game/actio 845K  68k Advanced snake game
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 677K  MOS Advanced snake game
WormWars-OS4.lha         game/actio 1.0M  OS4 Advanced snake game
f12014carset.lha         game/data  7K        2014 car set for F1GP Ed/Micr...
CodeWar-MOS.lha          game/misc  260K  MOS CRobots-style programming game
CodeWar-OS3.lha          game/misc  266K  68k CRobots-style programming game
CodeWar-OS4.lha          game/misc  231K  OS4 CRobots-style programming game
Gravity-Force-2-sourc... game/shoot 380K      ASM sources for Gravity Force 2
psycheual_src.txt        game/shoot 78K       (incomplete) ASM source for P...
zombie_apocalypse_src... game/shoot 6K        BlitzBasic source for Zombie ...
webptools_aros.lha       gfx/conv   2.4M  x86 encode/decode images in WebP ...
gifsicle-1.83-bin-aro... gfx/misc   189K  x86 Tool for manipulating GIF images
gifsicle-1.83-bin-m68... gfx/misc   143K  68k Tool for manipulating GIF images
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   3.5M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha       misc/emu   3.8M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   3.8M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
MuEVD.lha                misc/emu   146K  68k MuLib driven ShapeShifter vid...
WAVRepair.lha            mus/edit   76K   68k Fix damaged WAV files
ptplayer.lha             mus/play   32K   68k ProTracker player w/ support ...
LoadModule.lha           util/boot  10K   68k Install Libs/Devs reset-proof
MuFastChip.lha           util/boot  135K  68k Chip memory cache mode fine t...
MuFastRom.lha            util/boot  135K  68k MuLib conformal ROM to RAM re...
MuFastZero.lha           util/boot  152K  68k MuLib ZeroP. remapper, replac...
MuLockLib.lha            util/boot  129K  68k Lock the mmu.library in memor...
MuMapRom.lha             util/boot  123K  68k MuLib based ROM Replacement Hack
MuOmniSCSIPatc.lha       util/boot  134K  68k Make the omniscsi.device MMUL...
MuProtectModule.lha      util/boot  134K  68k MuLib ROM Modules Write Prote...
MuRedox.lha              util/boot  119K  68k MuLib based math speedup for ...
MuSetCacheMode.lha       util/boot  138K  68k MMU tree adjustment tool for ...
WinZoom.lha              util/cdity 45K   68k fast arrangement of windows v...
DisLib.lha               util/libs  17K   68k A library based MC68K disasse...
IconLib_46.4.lha         util/libs  334K  68k free icon.library in optimize...
MemLib.lha               util/libs  86K   68k Virtual Memory for AmigaOs
MMULib.lha               util/libs  632K  68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha                util/libs  66K   68k Minimal MuLib archive for red...
FastIEEE.lha             util/sys   160K  68k Speed up your mathieee librar...
Mu680x0Libs.lha          util/sys   349K  68k MuLib aware 680x0 libraries
russian45.lha            util/sys   33K   68k Russian language driver v45

[Meldung: 01. Jun. 2014, 06:29] [Kommentare: 0]
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