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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
13.Jun.2012 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Englisches Wörterbuch WordNet 3.4
WordNet ist eine lexikalische Datenbank der englischen Sprache, die Umsetzung für AmigaOS 4 stammt von Daniel Jedlicka (Screenshot). Für die Sprachausgabe wird das flite.device benötigt.

  • New: WordNet can now operate in two different user modes. The default "Learner" mode only displays sense overviews, providing an easier and faster access to word meanings. When in this mode, WordNet looks and works like a traditional electronic dictionary. The more advanced "Linguist" mode shows all possible linguistic information about the searched words
  • New: The Preferences window now replaces the original Settings menu
  • New: Pop-up gadget and menu in the window bar (OS4.1 Update 3 required)
  • New: WordNet can now be pushed to any currently opened public screen using the jump-to-screen feature (OS4.1 Update 3 required), accessible from the pop-up menu
  • Update: The program no longer relies on an external viewer (such as MultiView) to display its help file. Online help is now provided using AmigaGuide Library
  • Update: Optimized GUI initialization: the program now starts up a bit faster
  • Update: Major code overhaul with numerous little fixes and optimizations
Download: wordnet.lha (11 MB) (snx)

[Meldung: 13. Jun. 2012, 17:34] [Kommentare: 2 - 16. Jun. 2012, 11:51]
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