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OS4Depot-Uploads bis 17.03.2012 / 3000-Pakete-Marke überschritten
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 17.03.2012 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt, womit es nun insgesamt 3002 Dateien umfasst:
ahirng.lha               aud/mis 97kb  4.0 Random Number Generator via AHI
bunchieloop.lha          dem/mis 2Mb   4.1 A colored bunchie gif animation
libyaml-cpp.lha          dev/lan 474kb 4.0 A YAML  parser and emitter in C+...
libdumb.lha              dev/lib 418kb 4.0 An IT, XM, S3M and MOD player li...
mpega_includes.tar.bz2   dev/lib 3kb   4.0 OS4 include files for mpega.library
libptp2.lha              dev/lib 70kb  4.0 a library used to communicate wi...
xadmaster_includes.ta... dev/lib 13kb  4.0 OS4 includes for xadmaster.library
minad.lha                dev/uti 93kb  4.0 Minimalistic Autodoc Viewer
libhjw.lha               dri/inp 3Mb   4.0 HunoJoyWrapper is a Wrapper Libr...
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
rhlaunch.lha             emu/mis 125kb 4.0 GUI for E-UAE
munchdude_hero.lha       gam/act 10Mb  4.0 OpenGL packman remake with origi...
thezoninrun.lha          gam/act 2Mb   4.1 A polished Qix clone!
ulmosadventure.lha       gam/adv 558kb 4.1 Ulmo's Adventure - a cute action...
zelda3t-french.lha       gam/adv 9Mb   4.0 Game Zelda 3T 0S4 Midi support f...
zelda3t-us.lha           gam/adv 9Mb   4.0 Game Zelda 3T 0S4 Midi support US
zeldaolb-es.lha          gam/adv 6Mb   4.0 Zelda OLB AmigaOS4 MIDI ES
zeldaolb-fr.lha          gam/adv 7Mb   4.0 Zelda OLB AmigaOS4 MIDI French
zeldaolb-us.lha          gam/adv 7Mb   4.0 Zelda OLB AmigaOS4 MIDI US
zeldaroth-de.lha         gam/adv 5Mb   4.0 Zelda ROTH Amiga OS4 MIDI DE
zeldaroth-es.lha         gam/adv 5Mb   4.0 Zelda ROTH Amiga OS4 MIDI ES
zeldaroth-fr.lha         gam/adv 6Mb   4.0 Zelda ROTH Amiga OS4 MIDI French
zeldaroth-us.lha         gam/adv 6Mb   4.0 Zelda ROTH AmigaOS4 US
codewar.lha              gam/mis 208kb 4.0 CRobots-style programming game
flowerway.lha            gam/puz 418kb 4.0 sensational puzzle based on movi...
letters_fall.lha         gam/puz 7Mb   4.0 OpenGL based puzzle.
pixel_artist.lha         gam/puz 6Mb   4.0 OpenGL based puzzle.
tetriattack2.lha         gam/puz 12Mb  4.0 Tetris like game
tetricrisis4.lha         gam/puz 26Mb  4.0 Tetris like battle game
zeldapicross-fr.lha      gam/puz 5Mb   4.0 Zelda Picross AmigaOS4 MIDI French
thunderslash.lha         gam/shm 33Mb  4.0 Colorful french shootemup type T...
simutrans.lha            gam/str 16Mb  4.0 A free transport game
mce.lha                  gam/uti 2Mb   4.0 Multi-game Character Editor
sketchblock.lha          gra/edi 2Mb   4.1 Digital Sketching For AmigaOS
iconsreworked_2011.lha   gra/ico 31Mb  4.1 Icons for 3rd party software
iconsreworked_2012.lha   gra/ico 74Mb  4.1 Icons for 3th party software
owbutilities.lha         net/bro 168kb 4.0 Bookmarks+fastlinks+converter to...
ali.lha                  net/cha 96kb  4.0 AmIRC Log Inspector
smbmounter.lha           net/sam 126kb 4.0 SMBFS Frontend GUI / Commodity
cinnamon_writer.lha      off/wor 6Mb   4.0 Compact and efficient word proce...
text2pdf.lha             uti/fil 8kb   4.0 Convert plain text files into PD...
asciitable.lha           uti/mis 60kb  4.0 Print out the ascii-table in dif...
clonecollect.lha         uti/mis 119kb 4.0 Collect files with same conditions
crc128.lha               uti/mis 61kb  4.0 Calculates 128bit crc-checksums
dicpng.lha               uti/mis 167kb 4.0 Compress data into png-images
fixdate.lha              uti/mis 58kb  4.0 Fix files that have a date in fu...
relax.lha                uti/mis 117kb 4.0 Control program for 8-bit realy-...
reportplus.lha           uti/mis 1Mb   4.0 Multipurpose utility
rhc.lha                  uti/mis 59kb  4.0 A polymorphic cipher
rherase.lha              uti/mis 103kb 4.0 Secure file eraser
sab.lha                  uti/mis 159kb 4.0 Secure Address Book with AES enc...
shapng.lha               uti/mis 166kb 4.0 sha256 of file to PNG-image
taskview.lha             uti/wor 19kb  4.1 View currently running tasks

[Meldung: 18. Mär. 2012, 08:56] [Kommentare: 0]
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