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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
23.Jul.2010 (Webseite)

Textanzeiger: EvenMore 0.68 (20.7.10)
Chris Pervers EvenMore ist ein in AmigaE geschriebener Textanzeiger. Änderungen seit unserer letzten Meldung:
  • Sped up various parts of the code by moving ListItem() functions out of loops and replacing them with static lists
  • FileTypes.plugin now uses less memory, and doesn't have to scan all of filetypes.txt if a match is found
  • Fixed memory allocation problems in Arc2Text which would cause it to lose file information if you browsed more than one LHA archive
  • Fixed bug in EvenMore which sometimes prevented more than one plugin processing a file
  • Updated HTML2Text plugin to open files viewed through the LHA plugin
  • Arc2Text plugin will now store LHA output in a unique filename in RAM: using the timestamp of the file in question. This will enable the plugin to skip the LHA extraction if the file has been viewed recently.
  • Directories will now be displayed first in the Arc2Text viewer
  • Arc2Text can now extract files and view them by clicking on a file name

[Meldung: 23. Jul. 2010, 16:16] [Kommentare: 3 - 25. Jul. 2010, 00:53]
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