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Twitter-Client: AmiTwitter 0.23 für AmigaOS 3 und MorphOS
AmiTwitter (Screenshot, Dokumentation) ist ein quelloffener, MUI-basierter Client für den Mikroblogging-Dienst Twitter.
Die aktuelle Betaversion von AmiTwitter verfügt über folgende Eigenschaften:
- Sends Tweets and Direct Messages on the Twitter network
- Downloads Following Tweets Timeline (and images)
- Downloads @Replies; Retweets of me, by me and to me
- Downloads Public Timeline (Random Tweets just for fun...)
- Displays the most recent Tweets that you have sent
- Displays the most recent Tweet by all friends and followers (currently via User ID only)
- Follow/Unfollow, Block/Unblock specified Users
- Receive/Stop receiving SMS messages from Users
- Update your Twitter website profile; view Favorites, and view Users currently Blocking (currently via User ID only)
- Display most recent Tweet for any User (whether following them or not)
[Meldung: 23. Dez. 2009, 16:29] [Kommentare: 1 - 23. Dez. 2009, 18:08]
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