amigafuture.de (Webseite)
MorphOS: MPlayer 1.0-svn-2008.11.09
Fabien "Fab" Coeurjoly stellt ein Update seiner MorphOS-Portierung des Media-Players MPlayer zur Verfügung (Screenshot). Änderungen in dieser Version, die vor allem weitere Verbesserungen der neuen GUi mitbringt:
- Updated to 09.11.2008 svn (r27902). To be noted it at least fixes some recently introduced issue with some mpeg4 files (googlevideo for instance).
- More work on GUI module:
- Option to resize window to original movie dimensions (or 50%/200%).
- Record option to dump a netstream (only works for cached streams for now).
- Directories can now be dropped to main window/playlists, or opened from menu.
- Shuffle option in playlist.
- Metadata title field is displayed in status string, if available
- ICY information (shoutcast) displayed in status string, if available.
- Some files would sometimes be skipped in playlist. Fixed.
- Reworked a bit GUI show/hide behaviour.
- GUI can now be started in fullscreen (-fs/fs=1)
- Status string was refreshed more than necessary.
- General fixes:
- Increased a bit audio buffer length with ao_ahi driver.
- There could be some "hickup at start" effect when playing a new file in playlist. Fixed.
- Snapshot filenames are truncated (if necessary) to preserve indexes.
Standard-Version: MPlayer-1.0-svn-2008.11.09.lha (9,1 MB)
Altivec-Version: MPlayer-1.0-svn-2008.11.09.altivec.lha (9,2 MB) (cg)
[Meldung: 21. Nov. 2008, 15:11] [Kommentare: 9 - 24. Nov. 2008, 15:13]
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