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AmigaOS 4: Web-Browser OWB 2.15
Jörg Strohmayer stellt eine neue Version seiner Portierung des Origyn Web Browser zur Verfügung (Screenshot). Die Cairo-Bibliothek ist jetzt fest mit dem Programm verlinkt, d.h. OWB 2.15 kann auch wieder unter AmigaOS 4.0 benutzt werden. Die Änderungen im Detail:
  • The CONFIRMQUIT tooltype was only checked for the quit menu but not for the close menu when the last window is closed, fixed ( issue #44)
  • Using version 2.7.1 of libxml2 instead of 2.7.2 again, should fix some crashes
  • Built the current versions of libcairo and libpixman-1 as static link libraries, with the static libraries OWB works on AmigaOS 4.0 again.
  • OWB 2.15 is linked with static libraries. Might fix the startup crashes I never get on my systems, but could cause even more crashes since most of the static versions of the libraries I have are older than the shared versions and very likely have more bugs.

[Meldung: 21. Nov. 2008, 03:31] [Kommentare: 18 - 23. Nov. 2008, 17:25]
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