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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
13.Nov.2008 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: PFTP 0.4
Pete's FTP (Screenshot) von Peter Gordon bietet u.a. beliebig viele Fenster, Server-zu-Server-Transfers und SFTP-Unterstützung. Änderungen in Version 0.4:
  • When you couldn't connect to a server, PFTP would hang. Fixed.
  • Icon is now a proper Amiga icon. Didn't realise it was png because i have the png iconmodule installed and i just copied over the file i got from Mason and forgot about it.
  • Now copes with servers that include a total number of files with the file listing at the top. Thanks to Magnus Andersson for his help with this one.
  • Now doesn't crash if you click a link in the about window without OpenURL installed.
  • The local browser thread didn't properly keep track of how many messages it was expecting a reply for, and could sometimes hang around waiting for responses it had already received. Fixed.
  • If you started some local-to-local transfers, and one of them failed for any reason, the ones after it wouldn't start. Fixed.
  • Local-to-local transfers that had a read or write error during transfer were treated as if they succeeded. Fixed.
  • If a transfer failed, it would be silently added to the failed transfer list, and an error message printed in the log. This is easily missed during bulk transfers. Now there is an error log for errors that occur during transfers, which pops up to let you know something went wrong. Items in bold are new ones since the last time the error log window was closed. Thanks to Mario Cattaneo for making me get around to this finally :)
  • Improved the error handling and detection for SFTP.
  • If you selected more than one directory, but no files, and deleted them, only the first one would be deleted. Fixed. (Thanks to Janne Peräaho for the report).
  • If you deleted a directory, but no files, the browser wouldn't be refreshed aftwards. Fixed. (Thanks to Janne Peräaho for the report).
  • Added a debug menu to make it easier to find and fix faults that i can't reproduce

[Meldung: 13. Nov. 2008, 15:38] [Kommentare: 3 - 14. Nov. 2008, 17:29]
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