AmigaOS 4: AmiFTP 1.935
Joachim "Zerohero" Birging stellt ein Update des Reaction-basierten FTP-Klienten AmiFTP zur Verfügung. Änderungen in Version 1.935:
- Lots of bugfixes, a lot related to uninitialised prefs
- Fixes to PubScreen options
- CLI arguments fixed. Also fixed "Docky" argument, it only worked as a tooltype before
- Added a log listview at the bottom of the window. Replaces the shell window used before. Check it out from the main prefs
- Dropping files on the docky icon will now upload those files, same as when it's iconified
- New icons by Martin 'Mason' Merz
Hinweis: Um AmiFTP bzw. die mitgelieferten Toolbar-Piktogramme nutzen zu können, muss das PNG-Modul installiert sein. (cg)
[Meldung: 19. Jan. 2008, 16:51] [Kommentare: 2 - 22. Jan. 2008, 13:52]
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