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MorphOS: AmIRC 3.5.28 beta
Nicolas Sallin has released an update of the ICR client AmIRC for MorphOS (screen shot). The new 32 bit icons are designed by André Siegel. Originally the programme had been written by Oliver Wagner and Jamie van den Berge for VaporWare.

Please note that this MorphOS version has been done with permission by VaporWare, but nevertheless it is no official VaporWare product. Users are pleased to exclusively contact Nicolas Sallin (Henes) for requests of any kind, bug reports or critics. Please do not contact VaporWare.

Download: amirc_3528beta_morphos.lha (744 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[Meldung: 10. Okt. 2007, 15:16] [Kommentare: 0]
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