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Amiga Future (Webseite)

MUI-Klasse: MCC_BetterString 11.12
Die MUI-Klassen BetterString.mcc und BetterString.mcp sowie HotKeyString.mcc wurden von Jens Langner in der Version 11.12 bzw. 12.8 für AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS veröffentlicht.

  • mcc/hotkeystring: adapted documentation and minor tweaks to the sources of HotkeyString.mcc
  • mcc/BetterString_mcc.h: converted all MUIV_BetterString_DoAction_#? values to a named enum rather than simple defines
  • mcc: added new MUIM_BetterString_DoAction method which allows to manually perform certain actions like Copy/Cut/Paste,... which are normally just executed with the default shortcuts. This way the gadget can completly controlled remotely
  • mcc: added new MUIA_BetterString_NoShortcuts attribute that allows to disable the default shortcuts like Amiga+C, Amiga+V, etc. for applications interested in performing those operations manually
  • include/mccinit.c: updated to latest 1.10 version

[Meldung: 26. Aug. 2007, 12:57] [Kommentare: 5 - 27. Aug. 2007, 09:55]
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