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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
30.Okt.2006 Uploads bis 29.10.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
m4.lha                  dev/mis  196kb  m4 - Unix macro processor - OS4 bin
abc-shell.lha           dev/uti  310kb  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
coreutils-bin.lha       dev/uti    4Mb  GNU core utilities
coreutils-src.lha       dev/uti    7Mb  GNU core utilities (source)
musepack.lha            aud/mis  777kb  Musepack for AmigaOS4
misscmd.lha             gam/act   78kb  Missile Command clone
spacewar.lha            gam/act  435kb  A simple 2 player shooter
universe-two_kitch.lha  dem/sce    3Mb  Universe - #Two: Kitch
libsdl_anim.lha         dev/lib  709kb  libSDL_anim displays anim files
qonk.lha                gam/str  669kb  A space strategy/colonisation game
http-handler.lha        net/mis   30kb  Virtual HTTP device with WebDAV support
plasma.lha              dem/mis  157kb  The classic Plasma effect now for SDL
ptcdemos.lha            dem/mis  336kb  The Fire and Tunnel SDL demos from the P
roaddemo.lha            dem/mis  237kb  An SDL/GL (!) bezier curve demo that dra
screenart.lha           dem/mis  169kb  A smally dizzyfying SDL demo
sdlsinusfont.lha        dem/mis  615kb  A SDL sinus font demo
waves.lha               dem/mis  134kb  A small liquid surface modelling SDL dem
sdlisomouse.lha         dev/exa  290kb  An example on Isometric landscapes + mou
sdlmousescrolling.lha   dev/exa  461kb  A SDL example of how to do smooth scroll
sdlmousetile.lha        dev/exa  290kb  An SDL example on how to use mouse and t
sdlpathfind.lha         dev/exa  133kb  A SDL path find example
starmap.lha             gra/mis  126kb  Starmap - A strange but cool fractal pro
pslide.lha              gra/vie  554kb  Perigee Slideshow - A picture viewer
allkeys.lha             uti/mis  101kb  Use all mapped rawkeys which include mos
eggtimer.lha            uti/mis    1Mb  An Eggtimer
annotate.lha            uti/tex  265kb  Text Editor with advanced features
annotate_src.lha        uti/tex  217kb  Text Editor with advanced features (sour
wood_theme.lha          gra/the    1Mb  Wood Theme

[Meldung: 30. Okt. 2006, 01:34] [Kommentare: 0]
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