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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
25.Sep.2006 Uploads bis 24.09.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
zeespace.lha                   gra/mis  328kb  Play around with some heightfields, bump
dt-42.lha                      aud/tra  373kb  DT-42 a drum machine with Roland TR-808 
cwdevice.lha                   dri/sto  173kb  Catweasel MK4 (MK3) Device
universus-demo.lha             gam/act    1Mb  demo of a WIP shoot'em up
towertoppler.lha               gam/mis    1Mb  Remake of the old classic Nebulous (Hews
revbump.lha                    dev/uti   40kb  A revision bumper with extra fields
primateplunge.lha              gam/pla    5Mb  A very beautiful and funny platform game
nes_8to1.lha                   aud/mis   11kb  Converts 8-bit samples to NES's 1-bit fo
snd2mid.lha                    aud/mis   51kb  Converts NES, GB, MS, GG .SND songs to M
vb2rip.lha                     aud/mis   46kb  Rip the music from your PSX/PS2 games!              aud/tra    9Mb  Milky Tracker Example Music
milkytracker-basic9xx.avi      aud/tra    6Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Basic 9xx 
milkytracker.lha               aud/tra    1Mb  A multiplatform music tracker  aud/tra  449kb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Sine Craft
milkytutorial.rar              aud/tra   27Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'General Us      aud/tra    5Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Harmony'   aud/tra   13Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Basic Chip     aud/tra    3Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Arpeggio'    aud/tra    4Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Drawing Dr   aud/tra    5Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Resonance'        aud/tra   10Mb  Milky Tracker Video Tutorial 'Leads'
xi_-_instruments.rar           aud/tra   15Mb  Milky Tracker Starter Sample Pack
emutools.lha                   dev/cro  105kb  Various emulator tools
nes_mina.lha                   dev/cro  249kb  Minachun Disassembler for 6502 Famicom (
raw2chr.lha                    dev/cro    5kb  NES CHR-ROM Creator
charlie.lha                    emu/uti    4kb  A NES CHR-ROM Optimizer
chr2nam.lha                    emu/uti    8kb  A NES Name Table Creator
jabba.lha                      emu/uti    5kb  Expand snes ROM's.
ecm.lha                        uti/fil   68kb  Reduces size of CD images
nes_dev.lha                    dev/cro  217kb  NES Basic and NES ASM, develop your own                dev/cro   22kb  An example project for NES Basic and NES
nes_palette.png                dev/cro   10kb  A NES palette to use when making NES gra
nes_sprtools.lha               dev/cro  500kb  Tools to convert BMP images to NES forma
commander.lha                  gra/scr   75kb  Commander - A multi-purpose blanker modu
snoti.lha                      uti/she   19kb  Run command when files/dirs are changed 

[Meldung: 25. Sep. 2006, 02:28] [Kommentare: 1 - 26. Sep. 2006, 10:54]
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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >

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