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Pianeta Amiga: Details zum Sam 440 EP-Mainboard (englisch) - Update
Im Rahmen der dieses Wochenende im italienischen Empoli stattfindenden Pianeta Amiga wurde die untenstehende, offizielle Spezifikation des Mainboards "Samantha" veröffentlicht. Zudem finden Sie unter dem Titellink erste Fotos von der Veranstaltung.

Sam440EP® is a motherboard developed on the 440EP (SoC) cpu by AMCC, mini-itx format featuring a hight integration rate, low power consumption, highly expandable and maxim customization possibility during production.

The cpu operates at a 667Mhz frequency, but in "low power" environments it's possible to choose for a production also in 533Mhz and 400Mhz versions. Suitable for high performance applications, like image management and manipulation, networking and industrial machine control.

440EP offers a high performance FPU (5 stage pipeline), with single and double precision support, single-cycle execution for many instructions, assuring exceptional performances in math intensive applications (2.0 MFLOPS/Mhz SP/DP).

Integrated onchip are two ethernet 10/100 controllers, one USB 1.1 controller (host), one serial port (full 8 pin) controller for the memory and one PCI controller (66Mhz, 32 bit, V2.2).

The motherboard will be shipped with 256 or 512 Mb ram DDR266 onboard, with option to expand it trough a SODIMM 100 pin slot (max 1Gb ram).

The presence of an ATI Radeon Mobility M9 integrated graphic chip, with 64Mb ram DDR onchip, assures excellent graphic performances in his market. It permits lots of connections to monitor, tv, lcd screens through DVI, VGA, Svideo and LVDS (optional) connectors. For low-cost / low-power-consumption systems, it's possible to opt at production time for an ATI Radeon Mobility M6 with 16Mb ram DDR onchip.

There are 4 Serial ATA ports thanks to a Silicon Image 3114 controller, 4 USB 2.0 ports through a Nec controller, Audio 5.1 AC97 with line-in, line-out, mic, cd/dvd in connectors.

A Pci-to-PCI bridge permits to manage best PCI bus traffic, eliminating bottlenecks between devices operating at 66Mhz (Graphics and SATA) and those operating at 33Mhz (USB, Audio, Slot PCI)

A PCI slot (32bit, 33Mhz, 3.3V) and a mini PCI Type 3 slot (124 pin, 3.3V) permit to use PCI standard expansion boards.

The presence of a LatticeXP FPGA enhances greatly the expansion possibilities and therefore implementation possibilities, thanks also to a 96 pin connector interfacing directly to the FPGA.

As additional expansion possibility the board provides a GPIO (32 pin) connector, a SPI and a I2C connector.

An optional CCTalk connector permits the interfacing to payment systems (coins, rest and banknotes devices) using this communication protocol.

The boards can be used also in disk-less mode, using a Disk On Chip or a SmartMedia memory board.

The board's low profile (max high 20mm) and the lack of cooling fans allow to host the board in extremely small cases.

The board uses Uboot 1.1.4 as BIOS.

Update: (13:44, 24.09.06, snx)
Inzwischen liegt auch ein Foto des Samantha-Boards in höherer Auflösung vor. (snx)

[Meldung: 23. Sep. 2006, 15:43] [Kommentare: 212 - 27. Sep. 2006, 19:09]
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