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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
09.Jun.2006 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Nixskeleton, ein Shared Library Skeleton
Sigbjørn 'CISC' Skjæret hat im Downloadbereich der "MorphOS Developer Connection" eine Beispiel-Implementation einer Shared Library namens "nixskeleton" veröffentlicht. Eigenschaften von Nixskeleton:
  • Multiple libbases, each opener gets their own private base and global data.
  • A task will always get the same base, thus the library can be indirectly opened elsewhere through the same task and still get the right libbase.
  • However this means callers should avoid sharing libbase across tasks (this is frowned upon anyway), as it'll lead to trouble!
  • You can use libnix I/O and anything requiring constructors etc in the library.
  • Full of comments (hopefully enough) to help you understand the magic involved.
  • The skeleton uses SYSV (with r12base to be able to work its magic) functions, since this is the most likely candidate (it is however possible to adapt it for 68k entries, basically you have to change the global __restore_r13() function).
  • You *can* *not* pass filedescriptors between caller and library, or free() memory allocated by the other etc, doing so will mean certain death, you have been warned! ;)

Für Nachfragen steht der Autor jederzeit zur Verfügung. (cg)

[Meldung: 09. Jun. 2006, 15:43] [Kommentare: 6 - 10. Jun. 2006, 13:06]
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