Ronny (ANF)
AmigaOS 4: DvPlayer 0.51
DvPlayer, ein Video- und DVD-Wiedergabeprogramm für AmigaOS 4, liegt unter dem Titellink seit heute in der Version 0.51 vor.
Changes since the previous release:
- Added subtitle support (.srt and .sub files) with automatic subtitle loading
- Added subtitle command line options and tooltypes (font name/size, position, colour) and a new subtitle menu to allow loading/closing of subtitles
- Added animated dithering algorithm to 16-bit modes to improve quality (apparent colour depth) and added NODITHER tooltype and command line option
- Volume slider could be updated by audioboost in fullscreen mode where it does not get put into the window leading to a crash
- Added possibility to use system fonts in DvPlayer Skins; updated the skin documentation to include information about this new feature
- Fixed a memory leak bug in the avi code
- AudioBoost now doubles the volume too, instead of just extending the volume range
- Fixed a bug causing wrong window size when skin was changed while a movie was stopped
[Meldung: 23. Dez. 2005, 14:55] [Kommentare: 5 - 23. Dez. 2005, 21:03]
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