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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
02.Jun.2005 (Webseite)

Magazin: Weitere "Total Amiga"-Ausgaben im PDF-Format veröffentlicht
Vom englischsprachigen Printmagazin Total Amiga sind nach deren Ausverkauf nun drei weitere Ausgaben als PDF-Datei frei zugänglich gemacht worden.
  • Issue 19 - Including a feature about OS 4 on the A1200 with Blizzard PPC; reviews of Canon's A80 digital camera and i560 printer, Amiga Forever 6 CD editon and Show Girls; audio compression tutorial, Envoy tutorial and part 4 of our C tutorial; and more.
  • Issue 10 - This issue has a feature on an A1200 based in-car MP3 player; reviews of the Mediator 4000, ImageFX 4.5, Perfect Paint 2.8 and Descent Freespace; the tutorials cover mode promtion and Directory Opus Magellan customisation.
  • Issue 8 - Networking is the focus of this issue which has a major feature on the subject and a tutorial on sharing printers with Samba. Also inside are reviews of Draw Studio 2, Photogenics 5 and Earth 2140. The Draw Studio review is complimented with a tutorial on using the program.

[Meldung: 02. Jun. 2005, 11:46] [Kommentare: 1 - 02. Jun. 2005, 12:12]
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