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Aminet: Uploads bis 28.03.2005
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
PPaint71_Port.lha     biz/cloan   9K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Personal Pa
DOpus5661_Port.lha    biz/dopus   33K   Portuguese Catalogs and buttons for Direc
OpusMPEGAPort.lha     biz/dopus   5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for OpusMPEGA v
etb.lha               biz/misc    81K   Extended Trial Balance
showtip.lha           biz/patch   7K    OS4 ShowTip for SoundFX (SFX)
YAM135_Port.lha       comm/mail   9K    Portuguese locale Catalog for YAM v1.3.5
AmiTCP_PacketFix.lha  comm/tcp    13K   AmiTCP/Genesis packet fragmentation fix p
Miami_Port.lha        comm/tcp    36K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for Miami v3.2
AWeb_Port.lha         comm/www    13K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for AWeb v3.4
IBrowse_Port.lha      comm/www    19K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for IBrowse v2
guigfxlib.lha         dev/misc    235K  Application layer for pixel graphics
renderlib.lha         dev/misc    197K  Image processing kernel
TransCat_Port.lha     dev/misc    4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for TransCat v1
ACDPlay16_Port.lha    disk/cdrom  4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for ACDPlay v1.
GPlayer_Port.lha      disk/cdrom  3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for GroovyPlaye
MUICD_Port.lha        disk/cdrom  6K    Portuguese Catalogs for MUI CD Player v1.
Z100_Port.lha         disk/misc   4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Z100 v1.5
Pig.lha               game/jump   582K  Jump around with a pig. SDL example port.
BTCE.lha              game/misc   86K   Bard's Tale 1/2 Character Editor
lpairs.lha            game/think  625K  A nice memory-game for OS4, with sources
ltris.lha             game/think  1.1M  A beautiful Tetris-clone for OS4, with so
Quadromania.lha       game/think  297K  Nice SDL based board game from ASM softwa
DIYprep.lha           gfx/ifx     4K    Prepare picture for use with DIYreko
DIYrekoIII.lha        gfx/ifx     52K   Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
Collector_Port.lha    gfx/misc    15K   Portuguese locale Catalog for Collector 3
APDF_Port.lha         gfx/show    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for APDF v2.2+
Visage_Port.lha       gfx/show    4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Visage v39.
Frodo_Port.lha        misc/emu    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Frodo v2.4+
MagiC64_Port.lha      misc/emu    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for MagiC64 v1.
Nostalgia.lha         misc/emu    341K  THE Multi-Emulation system (2.3)
AC97mixer21.lha       mus/misc    27K   Sound card control program
Pegase_Port.lha       mus/misc    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Pegase v1.4
AMPlifier_Port.lha    mus/play    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for AMPlifier v
SongPlayer_Por.lha    mus/play    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for SongPlayer
ac-bootpic.lha        pix/boot    62K   Animated boot picture
ZIP100-250_GI.lha     pix/gicon   145K  By Raul Silva, the Best GlowIcons for Iom
ZIP100-250_NI.lha     pix/icon    173K  By Raul Silva, the Best NewIcons for Iome
Wordworth_Port.lha    text/edit   13K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for Wordworth
Sherman_Port.lha      util/blank  4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Sherman Bla
ToolsDaemonPor.lha    util/boot   4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for ToolsDaemon
MCP132_Port.lha       util/cdity  9K    Portuguese Catalog for MCP v1.32 Beta 12
wave_dt.lha           util/dtype  129K  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with so
BoardsLib_Port.lha    util/libs   3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Boards.Libr
ReportPlus.lha        util/misc   315K  Report+ 6.17: Multipurpose utility
limpidclock.lha       util/wb     79K   Transparent clock / calendar
MrIcon_Port.lha       util/wb     2K    Portuguese locale Catalog for MrIcon v1.6
Picticon_Port.lha     util/wb     3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Picticon v1
SGrab18_Port.lha      util/wb     3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for SGrab v1.8+

[Meldung: 28. Mär. 2005, 22:14] [Kommentare: 6 - 29. Mär. 2005, 13:58]
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