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MorphOS Team

MorphOS: 6. Geburtstag und Release der Version 1.4.4
Anlässlich des 6. Geburtstages von MorphOS stellt das MorphOS-Team ein Update, welches hauptsächlich kritische Fehler in der aktuellen Version von MorphOS 1.4 beseitigt, zur Verfügung. Registrierte Benutzer erhalten die nötigen Zugangsdaten per E-Mail. Nachfolgend die Original-Pressemitteilung.

"To all MorphOS users

Celebrating the 6 year anniversary of MorphOS, version 1.4.4 is now available. This is hopefully the last bugfix update before the next full release, and solves many bugs and problems with the previous releases.

Please note that the update is currently only available to users who have registered themselves. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the MorphOS support site is currently down. Users who have not yet registered will have to wait for a few days while a new registration system is prepared. A new announcement will be made when it is ready. The support mailing list will also be restored shortly, please have some patience.

Fixes in the 1.4.4 release include support for large hard drives, ability to read DVDs in their entirety, important bug fixes to SFS, audio, 68k emulation, network card drivers and many other things. See release notes for more information.

-- The MorphOS Team" (cr)

[Meldung: 28. Mär. 2005, 03:35] [Kommentare: 80 - 29. Mär. 2005, 16:25]
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