os4depot.net: Uploads bis 05.03.2005
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei os4depot.net:
muli3d_aos4.tar.bz2 dev/lib 7Mb Software rendering library written in C++
mplayer.lha vid/pla 3Mb MPlayer 1.0pre6 Dirty Preview #3
wookiechat.lha net/cha 425kb IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
ltris.lha gam/puz 1Mb A beautiful Tetris-clone for OS4, with sources
wave_dt.lha dat/sou 37kb An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with source.
telnet.lha net/mis 48kb Rudimentary telnet client (with source)
flashmandelng.lha gra/mis 1Mb A fast and easy to use Mandelbrot & Julia fractals
gccportnotes.guide doc/tut 10kb Porting code to gcc notes
wav_dt.lha dat/sou 44kb Native OS4 WAV datatype
lwtoyos4.lha gra/vie 355kb OS4 native version of this LightWave Object Viewer
diskdatabaseppc.lha uti/fil 101kb A GUI for entering compact disc information into a
strbackdrop.lha uti/wor 88kb Random Workbench Backdrop Changer
wave_dt.lha dat/sou 23kb An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with source.
aweb_os4.lha net/bro 3Mb AWEB APL PPC Beta
nuqneh.lha dev/uti 131kb Commandline parser generator.
freedb_copytracks.lha aud/mis 9kb ARexx script for FreeDB to create MP3 tracks
make-unix.lha dev/uti 170kb GNU make PPC with UNIX paths
[Meldung: 05. Mär. 2005, 21:38] [Kommentare: 0]
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