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Virenkiller: VirusZ III 1.02 veröffentlicht
Der Virenkiller-Klassiker VirusZ III liegt nun in der Version 1.02 (115 KB) vor.

Vorausgesetzt werden mindestens AmigaOS 2.04 sowie einige Bibliotheken aus dem Aminet: Folgende Neuerungen hat Georg Hörmann gegenüber der Vorgängerversion implementiert:
  • Changed back to FREEWARE, that MAILWARE thing just ended up in too many e-mails :-) Thanks to all who gave me feedback and sorry if I didn't reply to everybody!
  • Added dozens of snapshots sent by F.S., Jonny Högsten, Stellan, Micheal Evans, Maurizio Callegarin, Michael Malychev, DMX and Michael Domoney. Thanks for all the testing, guys.
  • Added really nice MorphOS icon created by Christian Rosentreter to the package.
  • Added SegTracker 45.1 to the package. You should add it with the FULLPATH option to your startup-sequence right after SetPatch for best results in the vector check.
  • Enhanced SegTracker support in the vector check. If a filename is too long to fit in one line because of path information, it will be split and displayed in two lines instead.
  • Enhanced Snapshot function in the vector check. I noticed that sometimes patches of different vectors point to the same address (esp. Audio_0 - Audio_3 IntVecs). Whenever you tried to save such snapshots, the first ones would have been overwritten because of identical filenames. VirusZ now creates up to 10 different names for such cases.
  • Improved support of suspicious process fields in the vector check. The tc_Switch, tc_Launch and pr_PktWait entries will be reported separately now if necessary and therefore can be monitored too. To clear all entries of one type, select the respective headline and then press the 'Clear' button.
  • Spent some nights reviewing the sourcecode (over 25,000 lines!) and did lots of small optimizations, rearrangements and fixes mostly to the startup-code, vector check and memory monitor for a better and safer program execution.
  • The 'Install' function in the bootblock lab can write a standard Kick 1.3 bootblock again.
  • Enhanced the 'Line -' and 'Page -' functions in the memory monitor when displaying assembler instructions. Both functions will now additionally call FindStartPosition() from disassembler.library for the most sensible results.
  • Fixed bug in the 'Address' function of the memory monitor that might have caused accesses to non-existent memory areas.
  • Removed the 'Show...' and 'Technical Info' menu items and added that information to the new 'About' window.
  • Did several changes/fixes to the internal GUI support code:
    • All windows share one single IDCMP port now, VirusZ therefore will no longer run out of task signals if you try to open all its windows at one time.
    • Window flags, IDCMP flags and several other essential stuff gets compiled during window creation automatically now and thus reduces the possibility of bugs caused by badly filled structures.
    • Fixed bug in the window resizing code that lead to ugly results if you changed system fonts from smaller to bigger ones.
    • No longer uses NOCAREREFRESH windows but, as stated in the RKM, calls GT_BeginRefresh()/GT_EndRefresh(). [It's actually funny that there obviously didn't appear any problems during years with the old method even though it is said not to work in the RKM.]

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2004, 06:32] [Kommentare: 6 - 22. Aug. 2004, 12:26]
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